How to deal with tomato diseases

How to deal with tomato diseases

Tomatoes grown by hand in the garden plot, the most delicious, sweet and useful. And it is a pity when the result is not exactly the one that was expected. This may happen because tomatoes will get sick.

The most common diseases affecting tomatoes: phytoofluorosis, fusarious wilt, vertex rotting fruit, gray rot, black leg, cracks on the fruits.


For the prophylaxis of phytoofluorosis before boarding the seeds of tomatoes, it is necessary to withstand in a weak mortar solution of 30 minutes. Then rinse under running water, wrapped in front of it in a gauze napkin. At the stage of seedlings, tomatoes must be poured as coarse water. For its preparation, 2-3 tablespoons of sifted wood ash thoroughly stir in one liter of water. With the same solution, you can sprinkle young bushes of tomatoes. If the first signs of phytoophulas have already appeared on the bushes, they should be treated with a ready-made Bordeaux mixture. In case the phyotophtor already "hosts" on tomatoes with might and main, they will have to seek help to chemicals. And this is "Quadris", "Champion", "Tattoo" and other similar. You can buy them in any economic store, where there is a department "Garden - Garden".


Fuzarious wilt Gorodienik is often taken for the usual lack of moisture. If with enhanced watering the tomatoes remain sluggish, it is necessary to begin to apply chemicals. The best today is "Preview". For those who do not want to treat chemistry tomatoes, you can advise "Triphodermin", which is manufactured on biosovna.


The vertex rotting of the fruit is due to the lack of calcium. In order for tomatoes during the ovary and having to sleep, the owners of terrible black spots were scared, before planting in each well, it is necessary to add some wood ash and calcium nitrate. And one and second it is worth pouring 1 tablespoon.

Green tomatoes 2.

Gray rot is mainly striking tomatoes in greenhouses, where there is insufficient ventilation. In order for this, it does not happen, in the room you need to equip a good ventilation system. If there were already signs of this disease in the greenhouse, the signs of this disease were already seated, then before planting the seedlings, the soil must be spilled well with a weak solution of manganese.


The black leg is a disease of the thickened and spilled seedlings. It is sometimes possible to see that literally in one night all seedlings lay on the ground. The leg near the ground turns to be updated and black. To avoid this attack, seedlings should not be sown very thickly. Watering it should be done in the first half of the day so that in the evening the earth has already dried. The soil should be well explosion. Good results give submits to seedlings of wood ash or dry river sand - they will be able to pull out the excessive moisture on themselves.


During too rainy summer, tomatoes can burst from excess moisture. In this case, you can only advise - the next time you can plant them in a greenhouse, where it is possible to regulate watering yourself.


So, you got acquainted with the main diseases of tomatoes. Now that the enemy is recognizable in the face, and you know how to deal with him, a great harvest of sweet and delicious tomato of your family is provided.

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