Palencing is an integral part of tomatoes care, performing correctly which, you can get a good crop of large fruit. There are several, differing depending on the place of cultivation (greenhouse or open ground), methods of step-in this culture. Let's find out how to properly pausing tomatoes in the greenhouse.
What is meguns
With the development of the bush of tomato, there are small branches in the sinuses of permanent leaves - the processes departing from the main stem. Together with the growth of the plant, they gain strength and reach impressive sizes. In the future, second-order steppers appear on these treasures of the green mass, the formation of the launch of small and numerous fruits is possible.
Why paesing tomatoes
Palencing is the necessary manipulation to remove unnecessary shoots that give the plant an excessive load and make it difficult for its normal growth and development. Regularly performing stepsing, you:
- correctly form a bush;
- unload the plant from the abundance of unnecessary green mass;
- let's help tomatoes to distribute the flow of nutrients;
- get the crop of large fruits in time.
When pausing tomatoes
Removing meats Tomato should be regularly, as they appear, when their length does not exceed 3-5 cm. In the greenhouse, it follows this time in 7-10 days. In this case, the plant will not feel a strong stress and the likelihood of a painful state is practically reduced to zero.
In the greenhouse, the most favorable time for this procedure is morning. The processes are laid out with ease, and the wound formed after removing the stepper, he has time to survive during the day. Steying is completely not taken out, leave a small pasteen in 0.5 cm. The maximum number of processes that can be removed without prejudice to the plant - no more than three twigs.
How to paesing tomatoes
Decide for what scheme you will do it, as it depends on the variety of tomato, disembarking schemes and on the number of stalks (one, two or three) that you want to form.
Hybrid and determinant varieties of tomato can not be pausing, but if you still do it - you will increase the amount of wound on the bushes of your tomatoes. Such plants are best formed in two or three stems. At low grades after steps, it is recommended to remove the top.
Tomatoes, not limited in growth, form in one stem. The varieties of this type of tomato are well formed by a large number of lateral processes, so specking regularly.
We form in one stem
The most suitable option for the formation of Tomato bushes in the greenhouse is one stem. In this case, take out all the steps and those that appeared when splitting the main stem. If floral brushes have already been formed on the plant - they should be left.
In two stems
If you plan to leave two stems - save the first stronger stepper. It is usually located under the very first brush. Remove the remaining processes.
We form in three stems
In this case, the formation of the Tomato bush is in addition to the main stem and the first step, leave another most developed and strong process.
Pasket or not decide for yourself. If you need a crop of large fruit, of course, choose step-down. In the case when you arrange a large number of small fruits - leave all the steps.