How to packing eggplants

How to packing eggplants

Eggplants are a fairly capricious garden culture. And if daches gladly grow cucumbers and tomatoes, they remain dismountaining eggplants. To raise a decent crop "Cell", you will need to create certain conditions.

Hourging is one of the necessary manipulations when growing of many garden crops. There are often disputes from the experienced dachans, whether the eggplant is needed and how it is done.

General rules for growing eggplant

"Singny" - naughty vegetables, love to make a lot of sun and heat. Therefore, to grow a good harvest of eggplants, it is advisable to plant them in a greenhouse. But there are cold-resistant varieties that you can try to grow out of the greenhouse in the open soil. This is the "black opal" grade, as well as "diamond". Still, experienced gardeners recommend starting landing in greenhouses, alternating eggplant seedlings with tomatoes or cucumbers.

What you need to know every garden:

  • If the days were dried and hot, then the passing procedure is not carried out. If the weather is wet, then it is necessary to remove extra sprouts.
  • Look at the bushes: if the leafs are strong, and the stalks are thick, there are healthy steps and there are routines of fruits, then such plants are no longer worth passing. The plant is strong and this procedure does not need.
  • If it is so, then you only need to release the lower barrel from the leaves exactly to the first promise or before the fork (when the main trunk has twisted).
  • When the first 5 fruits appear, the top of the plant should be seen.
  • The trunk is always from below, you need to keep free, young leaves, rigs and stalks need to be removed.
  • If yellow leaves appear, they are removed immediately.
  • When the ripening of fruits begin, make sure that they are in the shade: leaves that close the fruits, you need to clean.


What is a dipping eggplant and when this manipulation is done

Stepsing is the removal of lateral shoots and young leaves from the plant. It is done in order to strengthen the plant, form a neat bush, grow fruit of large sizes.

Palencing - the procedure is not mandatory, without it it is quite possible to grow a good harvest and it will not need if:

  • the low-grade varieties of garden crops are grown, which are independently formed into neat bushes, as well as those varieties in which the sheet mass is moderate;
  • if the eggplants are planted immediately into the open ground - then the bottom leaves should not be removed, because they retain moisture in the ground and do not give the soil to dispel.

Hourging eggplazhanov

Manipulation is carried out according to the scheme:

  • Only one stem is left.
  • It is left 2, in rare cases - 3 stems.

How to packing eggplants:

  • 1 stem is left, especially urgent stepinating when growing eggplants in the greenhouse, when there is no excess place or when the plant is weak;
  • zazezi - thinned, the top must be plugged (even if there are shoots with fruits);
  • all buds and new shoots are also deleted;
  • measking can be done when the eggplant reaches 30 cm in growth. After pinching the top, the plant is quickly growing, so the upper shoots are removed, leaving only the strongest (4.5-pcs.);
  • after the formation of fruits, no more than 20 pcs are left. New steps need to be removed;
  • you can leave 2 or 3 young escapes if the plant is strong enough and there is a place for its growth and formation of a large bush;
  • after branched shoots, leave the largest, pinching the top from the 2nd leaf on the ovary, leave 1 fruit. It turns out during the formation of fruits on one bush 12 bandy;
  • to improve crop maturation, every 5-7 days you need to remove the leaves, as well as new marking, shoots and flowers that appear below the place where the first steaming was made (before the stem branching);
  • to speed up the ripening of the harvest, after the formation of fruits, the tops of each escape must be seen.


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