How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse

In the regions with the prevailing moderate climate, dacifics prefer the cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse, and not in the open ground. After all, the Zelents, which are under the shelter, allow you to collect a harvest until October! Growing technology is simple, you only need to take care of the installation of a "warm garden" in the area. Currently, greenhouses and greenhouses are gaining popularity, covered with polycarbonate, but for these purposes, a film or glass will also fit.

How to grow cucumbers in the greenhouse - the preparation of the soil

Regardless of the type and type of greenhouse, it should be carefully prepared and equipped. Preparation Grocery to the spring landing starts from autumn, after harvesting. First of all, it is necessary to clean the ground from plants and weeds growing on it. In order for the accumulated pathogenic bacteria and pests to spoil your future harvest, it is required to remove 4-5 cm of the upper layer of the Earth.

  • The technology of growing cucumbers implies the introduction of various fertilizers - in the fall adopt the land with overwhelming manure (25 kg per 1 m2), and any chosen potash feeder (40 g per 1 m2).
  • In order to stabilize the level of acidity in the soil, the ridge must be sprinkled with lime - 300 g per 1 m2.
  • If the circumstances are folded in such a way that the soil can prepare only in spring, feeding must be carried out with nitric fertilizers and antiseptic manure.
  • Soil for growing cucumbers should be crumbly and skip air and water well. Usually, gardeners use soils consisting of 50% humus (overworked grass) and 50% of fertile soil. Instead of nutritious additive, you can scatter on the prepared beds of pine needles or ate.
  • 2-3 months before plants in greenhouse, treat wooden frame and backups with a solution of copper sulfate, and iron parts are better painted.
  • In the spring, 10-14 days before the planting of plants, the soil must be disinfected by a cooked bright pink solution of manganese.

How to grow cucumbers in the greenhouse - the choice of the grade of cucumbers and preparation of seedlings

Breakingers brought a huge amount of seed varieties suitable for growing in a greenhouse. We offer to take a look at the selected list of the best varieties, according to Dachnikov:

  • Annushka F1, Hercules F1, Zarya, Zozul, Crystal, Prestige F1, Atlet, Marinda, April, Emele F1, Ant, Buyan.

Usually, the seeds are planted immediately into the ground in the middle or at the end of May. But in order to accelerate the production of harvest, experienced gardens grow seeds seeds at home either in a heated greenhouse. For the cultivation and convenience of dackets use plastic pots or cups. Keeping bushes are recommended to plant no more than 3 leaves, it is with such a number that the plant will easily survive the transplant and immediately get into growth.

How to grow cucumbers in the greenhouse - watering

The basis of the life of cucumbers - water! It is from watering that the amount, growth, mass and quality of the future harvest depends. In cloudy and cool days, watering is carried out every other day. In the drought and heat plant watered 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening.

  • Watering is needed with warm water, preferably accumulated in the sun during the day, the temperature of at least 18 degrees. Cold water is destructive for this culture, dried leaves and fruits of hooked shape can appear.
  • The cucumbers speak well on watering "rain", but in order not to burn the leaves of the plant, water when the sun sits.

Carefully monitor the state of the earth near the roots - earth coma may form from water. In this case, undermine the land of a garden blade.

How to grow cucumbers in a greenhouse - venting

In greenhouse conditions, fresh, air ventilated is particularly necessary plants. For these purposes, the greenhouse must be equipped with forwarders. But if there are no such, the open door will also come out of the situation. When overwhelmed with air, there is an active development of a web tick, which attacks all plants for 10-12 days, port the fruit and destroying the leaves. Stagnation of wet air provokes the development of various root diseases, which also leads to full loss of crop and plants. Conclusion - culture It is necessary to ensure daily ventilation.

How to grow cucumbers in the greenhouse - making fertilizers

The feeders need to be made at least 5 times per season. The first feeding is carried out when forming the first 2 leaves on the bush. At this time, the plant needs nitrogenous fertilizers that contribute to an increase in plant mass. For these purposes in 10 liters of water, 1 Article is bred. A spoonful of urea or chicken litter. During the period of active flowering, feeders are made with a phosphorus content, and during the active fruction, consisting of potassium and nitrogen. If you want to increase the harvest, sang the cucumbers with the infusion of wood ash.

How to grow cucumbers in the greenhouse - harvesting

At first, harvest fertilization is carried out every 3 days. When plants become big and actively fruit, cleaning spend a day. The collection is carried out after the morning or evening irrigation, it was then that the cucumbers are juicy and dense. Also, do not forget to carefully examine each whip for the presence of spoiled and sick fruits. Understood in time Zeletsy take all the nutrients to themselves and prevent new ones. Fruits are separated from the fruits with a knife or a secateur, so as not to injure the stalk of the plant.

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Olga Garodnitsa with experience 20/04/2017 at 12:42.

The best cucumbers for greenhouses are the varieties of the son-in-law and mother-in-law. I have a cottage in the north, in the Dmitrovsky district. And only the grade of cucumbers of the zyatnas and mother-in-law give a stable, good harvest. Thanks!

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