Growing cucumbers in the greenhouse in winter

Growing cucumbers in the greenhouse in winter

The cultivation of greenhouse cucumbers is the best way to appear to pamper yourself with fresh vegetables, as well as a good opportunity to earn money on the results of their works.

We choose the grade cucumbers for greenhouses

Interestingly, that (with proper care) the cucumber bushes are able to give an equally rich harvest in a cold time than in the summer. This requires only a heated greenhouse. If there is money, desire and raw materials, plants can be filled with organic or mineral fertilizers. The second important point is the choice of the grade of cucumbers. We will need not any seeds that are at hand, but especially hardy and adaptable cultures. Experts recommend choosing:

  • First: varieties with self-pollination. Obviously, there is no winter insects, and in the summer they do not look in the greenhouse. Conduct manual pollination - the case is complex and time consuming. Therefore, we take seeds of cucumbers, called "Hercules", "April", "Hummingbird", "Picnic", "Annie" and similar. Please note that their prevailing majority are hybrids and marked with a F1 marker on the package. This means that they are more persistent and frost, but will not repeat themselves in descendants. Collect seeds from such plants is useless.
  • Secondly: it is advantageous to take a variety with an increased yield, namely: "grenade", "surprise", "greenhouse" and similar.
  • Also well-stolen subspecies have been proven well: "home", "Russian", "mini", "Marfins".

We prepare the soil and create conditions for growing cucumbers in the greenhouse in winter

The optimal temperature that will be necessary to maintain under the film is 22-25 degrees of heat. If there is no possibility to create artificial heating, it will be possible to plant cucumber seedlings into the ground only in the middle of May (under the film). The best soil for greenhouse cucumbers - not what will have to, but specially mixed from several fractions. For her, they take 1 part of the humus and as much peat, 1 part of the wood chips or sawdust, several spoons of ash and a spoonful of fertilizer "nitroposk". After thorough mixing, it is worthwhile to give the earth a few weeks to stand up to fertilize.

Selection of seeds for growing cucumbers in the greenhouse in winter

Unfortunately, not all seeds even proven varieties will germinate and turn into strong, healthy plants. Therefore, seeds first come through manually, removing hollow and unreliable. After them, they are laid on a gauze, moistened with a solution of aloe juice and microelements (on a liter of water - copper vigorous acid and boric acid at the tip of the spoon). Keep 12 hours, after we rinse and put it in a cold chamber for a week, at a temperature in zero degrees, at times, moisturizing fabric.

Obtaining seedlings of cucumbers

The treated seeds are immersed in the ground to a depth of up to 2 cm. When the first sprouts are shown, the temperature of the greenhouse can be safely reduced to +15 during the day and +12 at night for five days, and a month later to transplant. It should be observed between the adjacent bushes at 20 cm. Between the rows - up to 90 cm. Do not forget to feed young plants with a tormented cowboy, mixed with water in proportions 1: 6. Fingering with mineral fertilizers is carried out with the advent of the third sheet, the following - only before the start of flowering. Before the first flower appears, the bushes are watered every five days, while flowering - every other day. Focus on leaves. If they look lethammed, spend urgent watering.

To obtain continuous crops, seed landing is produced by a conveyor manner - every and a half or two weeks.

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