Root rot cucumbers how to deal

Root rot cucumbers how to deal

Salting on the garden Cucumbers, you will probably wait for a good crop. But sometimes it happens that even by already starting to be froning, the bunches of cucumbers are suddenly wither and cease to develop. Most likely you will think that they lack moisture, and begin to water the cucumbers are much stronger. But this is not worth doing, because the disease that vegetables got sick due to the convergence.

The lethargy of the leaves occurs due to the root rot, which is still shown by the stalking of the stem near the earth itself and the radion of the root. To prevent this disease, first the cucumbers need to put it right. What is needed:

  1. Each new season is cucumbers to a new bed, and not the one where they grew last year.
  2. Seeds are treated with special biological preparations that prevent diseases.
  3. When planting cucumber seedlings or seeding seeds, they are slightly buried. For seeds, a depth of 1 cm is sufficient, and the seedlings sat down so that the distance from the ground to the first leaves was 2-3 cm.
  4. Water the cucumbers only with a well-hot water and so that it gets only to the ground, and not stems.
  5. Do not sit under the cucumber bushes leaves or a lot of humus - the stem near the Earth should be open and winding wind.

If the leaves on the cucumbers still begin to wither, then you at some point violated the rules described above. Make sure the cucumbers get sick to the root rot. To do this, inspect the stalks near the earth itself - the diseases of the plants have yellow and longitudinal cracks. Now begin to fight the actual with the root rot:

  1. With the help of a small garden blades, carefully pass the ground from the stalks. Watch that the roots are not damaged, which the cucumbers are located very close to the surface.
  2. Crackers treat the following homemade composition: water (0.5 l), copper sulfate (1 tsp. L.), Chalk powder or wood sainted ash (3 art. L.).

In addition to the above-described liquid preparation, you can use dry chalk, ash or crowded activated carbon. They need to sprinkle cracks in stems and land around bush. If, as a result of such treatment, some bushes could not be saved, then they need to dig and burn. In the hole, which remained from these manipulations, pour the copper vigorous diluted in the water.

Cucumbers damaged by root rot, can be saved in another way. It is possible if the cracks on the stems are not very deeply, and the leaves began to slug only near the Earth. There is a way to rejuvenate bushes. What does that require:

  1. Sharp the bottom of the bottom sluggish leaves and wait until the slice breaks down well.
  2. Remove the cucumbers from the support and put it on the ground.
  3. Sleeping the leaves of the leaves, suck fertile land, and lift the Liana itself and tie to the support.
  4. Water up the piled part with warm water (20 degrees).

If you do everything right, then after 7-10 days, new roots are formed on the piled part of the Liana, and the cucumbers will begin to grow again.

Root rotes of cucumbers can be defeated if you use special store biopreparations - Triphodermin, Plannyaz, Gamiir, Bactophyte, Integral, Pseudocacterin-2, Phytoosporin. Almost all of them are used in several stages. First, the seeds are processed by them, then the stems of seedlings are coiled and at the end are under the root of the already planted plant. More accurate information can be found on the packaging of a means from the root rot. These same drugs are suitable for protection from the root rot from other vegetable and flower crops.

The root rot, the cucumbers are most often sick with extreme air temperatures for them: below 14 degrees and above 28 degrees. To create cucumbers optimal conditions, it is better to plant them in the greenhouses. But at the same time, do not forget to ventilate the room so that inside it was too wet.

Buying cucumber seeds, be sure to read the description of the variety. Buy such a thing that it is written that it is resistant to this disease.

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