How to pass the cucumbers

How to pass the cucumbers

Almost all gardeners grow cucumbers, but many do not know that for a good crop of the roots, it is necessary to form a bush correctly - toil the extra shoots of the plant in a timely manner.

Agrotechnical method, in which small proceeds are removed, located in the sinuses of the main escape leaves, is called steaming.

Why packing cucumbers

Some dackets do not pinch the cucumbers, considering it a waste of time. And in vain. Cucumber is a liana plant, which has a lot of mustache - steppers that have formed between the main stem and the side sheet. It is necessary to remove the steps, as they, eating the useful substances, grow up in excessive screens, and wound up, on the main stem, having lost the power supply - creep. As a result, a lot of green tops are a little fruit. Cucumbers pinch in greenhouse, and in the garden, the difference is only in agrotechnology.

Photo L.

How to pass the cucumbers in the greenhouse

As a rule, in the greenhouse, parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers, which do not need pollination. They grown them into one stem on the chopler, and the steps are shortened to improve the bootonization. Of course, the harvest side shoots also give, but they get out of almost every sinus sheet. If all the greens grow up, the greenhouse is darkened, and this is an increased humidity, root rot, false malievous dew. Let's deal with how to properly steat the cucumber seedlings.

  • After the appearance of the 4th sheet on the plant, remove all the processes to it - this is called blinding. Then fasten the wire on the highlight, to which they subsequently bring the twine, grown off.

Tip: Unnecessary parts of the stems, take out your fingers, slightly pulling out a sheet, or cut off with a sharp knife. Do not use the secateur!

  • When the 7th leaf appears, leave on the side stems on one oscillation and sheet. Basically - take off the top. Wrap the main escape around the rope.

Tip: Spin the clockwise clockwise, then the plant will affect and will not be saved under the severity of the harvest.

  • On the 10th sheet - pinch the stuffing arrows by saving 2 cucumbers and sheets on them.
  • 11 Leaves - Leave 3 sheets and three marks on each shoot, the rest is removed.
  • When the main scourge is reached, 1 meter will turn off the growth point, do not touch the wound.

The main escape wrap around the wire and secure the cord. Do not regret the side stalks, remove the steps, despite their abundant bloom. This will lead to the rapid formation of female flowers. After each trimming, feed the plants, dissolving a glass of wood ash in 6 liters of water.


How to packing ground cucumbers

On outdoor garden beds, only the average variety varieties are plugged - they have a leading escape is oversaturated with male inflorescences. The procedure is done quite simply - in the area of \u200b\u200b8 sheets of the main plethor, pinch the top. A week later, the powerful side processes grown out of the sinuses will be littered with bent chipped inflorescences. Many harvest hybrids - Janus, Brigadier, Libella steaming not required.

You planted cucumbers too thick, and they are elongated vertically on the trellis? In this case, remove all the side shoots, leaving only the main beach. This is mainly suitable for bee-axes - competitor, universal, cascade.

Meat cucumbers until the 20th of July. By the end of the month, we turn all the green parts in the lower departure of the screens, except for two steps. A week later, small cucumbers will be tuned. These new processes will be fruit until late autumn.

When landing Zelents "Clear", that is, growing on the beds in a horizontal disorder, steening cucumbers are useless. The main thing is to remove the pair of the first strings in order not to slow down the development process. And then - Samotek, the plant will pull out as much as the variety will allow.

Cucumbers in a bowl

Follow our recommendations, pinch the bushes as it should and in time, do not forget about feeding and watering, and the crop will delight you with an abundance of delicious, crispy Zelentsov.

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