How to pinch cucumbers

How to pinch cucumbers

Paging of cucumbers - a mandatory procedure that allows you to get a good harvest. Cucumbers are curly plants that occupy a lot of places in the greenhouse, so they are better to grow on the trellis or provide special supports. The technology of pinching cucumbers differs depending on the conditions of their cultivation and variety.

If you are breeding cucumbers in a greenhouse, then most likely it is hybrid varieties. Flowers who later become fruits are located not only on side liants, but also on the central stem. Therefore, during steps, do not overdo it. After the appearance of a durable stem and side branches, remove only 1-2 leaves at the very end of the side escape. As a result, fertilizers will be spent not only on the growth of the stem, but also on the nutrition of the side branches.

How to pinch cucumbers

After the procedure, Polish Plants by fertilizer or adopt with humus. As soon as you see that 5-7 sheets appeared on the side lies, repeat the compartment procedure. It is held for another technology. Now it is necessary to leave on each branch on one promise and a sheet. The rest of the shoots are neatly removed. The following procedure is carried out when three more sheets appear. Remember, it is possible to pinch cucumbers, but if it is convenient for you, use the scissors with round tips.

Winter cucumbers grow very much, because of this, they are not enough light. That is why the central escape is pinned immediately, and after the appearance of 3 sheets on the side branches remove adjacent lianas. The following procedure is carried out when the cucumbers grow up to one and a half meter.

How to pinch cucumbers

Remember, some hybrid varieties in the greenhouse can not be segged at all. It is necessary to provide plants sufficiently light, so that the lianas can be fruit normally. Such such varieties are needed in January to have enough time for sufficient growth and ripening of obscenities. If your beds have become very thick, be sure to patch. It is advisable to plant plants at a great distance from each other. Do not think that fertile land will allow you to get a good harvest, regardless of the plant planning frequency.

How to pinch cucumbers

If you grow vegetables in the open soil, then decide on which stems will be a harvest. You can leave one or two central stems. To do this, after the molding of a solid main stem, remove all the lateral marks. Be sure to cut the weak and twisted shoots, they will interfere with the normal formation of central fruiting shoots.

Usually enough on the central stem remove all the leaves after the sixth. Leave three side sprigs. After the emergence of new sheets and shoots, do not forget to cut them. As a result, all nutrients will be aimed at growing and molding fruiting strings. The process of pinching ordinary cucumber must be carried out after the appearance of 3 sheets. When you see the back of new leaves, remove it. This will allow you to grow 3-4 new shoots at the site of the pinch. After the appearance of a young macushkin on the side of the liana, repeat the dive process. Do not forget to pour the soil fertilizers.

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