Each spring in front of rude lovers is a question of how to get a good yield of tomatoes. This culture is sacred by many dackets, so the question is relevant.
Preferences should be given to those varieties that have long and successfully grown in your region. It is best to raise seedlings yourself, or buy it in proven garden centers. Do not chase for the cheapness, it is better to purchase a strong seedlings in a specialized economy than to take in the hands of unwashed stems. If you live in a rainy and wet region, prefer early varieties resistant to phytoofluorosis.
Choose a place for tomatoes away from potatoes - Tomatoes do not like her as a neighbor in the garden. In addition, if you took several varieties of tomato, try not to mix them in bed.
Speak the beds, break the earth and do furrow in it. Tomato bushes lay under a large angle - almost horizontally. Do not forget to cut the bottom leaves. With such a landing, the roots of tomatoes will go straight from the stem, the plants will be better strengthened and gain more water and minerals. Regularly perform an extracting growing plant, as the roots can go straight from the stem.
All growing tomatoes must be formed in one stem. Delete all the stepsing on time, and when tomatoes are formed on infloresions, remove the top of the bush. The lower branches and leaves can be removed to accelerate the growth and ripening of fruits. Make support for stems of tomatoes and tie them. Sluorrow and ventilation will also reduce the risks of the disease of the phytoofluorosis tomatoes.
In the case of tomatoes, when it comes to fertilizers, it is better to underclaring than to overgrow. In the latter case, the stem of tomatoes will be massive, foliage - meaty, and the fruits themselves mature much later. That is, you can only reduce yields, and not to increase it.
Remember that tomatoes are arid plants. Excessive moisture, especially during the ripening of fruits, it will only hurt. Water tomatoes for maximum twice a week. It is necessary to do this only with warm water, under the root of the plant, and even better in the furrow. Evalnamed and processing of tomatoes of the Bordeaux mixture. For the season - before the start of the ripening of fruits, this processing should be made 2-3 times.
Observing all these simple rules, you will get a big yield of tomatoes - enough for salads and freezing, and conservation.
Share advice:"How to grow a good yield of tomatoes"
Thanks for the good tips! I did not know something, now I would be smarter. :) Last year, tomatoes were not particularly collected - moles attacked the garden and almost all the plants were ruined. We brought them to an ultrasound repelter then subdued, but it was too late. :( Although now we know how to defend from Mole - for the future. :) This year, I hope, without excesses will cost and we will rejoice in the crop.
Thanks for the good tips! I did not know something, now I would be smarter. :)
Last year, tomatoes were not particularly collected - moles attacked the garden and almost all the plants were ruined. We brought them to an ultrasound repelter then subdued, but it was too late. :( Although now we know how to defend from Mole - for the future. :) This year, I hope, without excesses will cost and we will rejoice in the crop.