How to collect potatoes harvest

How to collect potatoes harvest

Potatoes - such a vegetable from which you can cook any kind of dishes, starting with the soup and ending with the dessert. Not only its taste, but also a cooking method depends on the potato harvest period. Landing, care and growing this vegetable is a rather time-consuming business, but also the harvest of potatoes is a whole science.

To understand that the potato harvest is time to collect, pay attention to the leaves and stalks of the plant. If they started to fade, and the flowers beat away, it means that it is time to go behind the pitchfork. It happens at the end of June-early July. Another way to identify ripening tubers is to check their size. Drop one bush from the edge of the garden, if the potatoes have reached a diameter of 3 cm, then the first harvest can already be collected. Potato collection occurs until late autumn or early winter, depending on the region.

Before digging the potatoes when the tops just started to dry out, it is advisable to rinse the site once again so as not to miss the bushes among weeds.

To work, you will need forks, shovel, bucket and gloves. Forks, the bush of potatoes on the side, the hands are pulled out for the tops and shake potatoes in the bucket. Potato leaves have a sufficiently sharp smell, it appropriate to wear rubber or fabric gloves, which will also protect you from the contamination of the hands. With a large crop to help, Vilam uses a shovel.

Store the harvest is recommended in a dry, cool, dark place, pre-run and sorted. Rotten, dry and spoiled tubers go to the fertilizer, and the victims of the forks and shovels - in immediate use. Whole and high-quality potatoes fold in drawers with holes. Install drawers on pallets or boards to circulate air. The potatoes itself can be shifted with rowan leaves, fern or eases, to protect against rotting. It is also recommended to check and sort out the harvest at least once a month.

The first potato harvest may not be so big as I would like, but it will not be less tasty. After all, what grown himself is always tastier, more useful and better.

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