When to assemble the crop

When to assemble the crop

Ludge landing completed. Pledged a stage of care for this culture. And the harvest is coming. Every gardener at least once thought when to collect a harvest. Is this process not too much? After all, the quality of the crop and its value depends on the right choice of the date of cleaning. With an early assembly, the bow does not have time to fully form and penetrate penetration, which leads to a loss of harvest during storage. Late cleaning is also undesirable, since the scales have a perisharch, and the roots are re-growing, which leads to a damage of the product. Such a crop will not be stored for a long time. We will try to answer these questions and find out when we need to start cleaning onion with beds.

Determine the bouquet time is simple enough. It is necessary to wait for the moment when its "feathers" will begin to dry and literally will lie in bed.

The signs of the ripe onion are:

  • drying and yellowing feathers;
  • the stalks cover the ground in the garden.

Typically, the collection time comes at the end of July and continues until mid-August of the month. If the weather is issued raw, then the cleaning of the bow should be taken early.

There is another way to determine the time for collecting the bow. The so-called mathematical method. The onion matures for 68 - 83 days, so it is necessary to subtract this period from the date of landing and get the harvest date. It is also necessary to take into account weather conditions during the summer. If it was turned out to be cool, and there was a lot of rains, it is necessary to make amendment and increase the ripening period. But it should be paid attention to external signs.

It is necessary to pay attention to the correct harvest. Onions are pulling into dry weather, if necessary, dug up a shovel. In no case, after digging, do not darken the heads of the bow on the ground, so they will cause damage. It is better to make it hands. After that, he is left to succeed in the sun, turning it over for a better burden. Then you need to move the bow into a well-ventilated place and leave there for several days. If the weather allows, then you can leave it in a garden to complete drying. In this case, it is necessary to close it overnight, cover the material. If the harvest fee happened in crude weather, then it is necessary to rinse and clean the onions from the husk. Fully cut feathers and roots and dry in a well-ventilated room. About two weeks a new scales are formed. Absolutely dry flashes are easily separated, and the neck completely dries.

After collecting and drying, it is necessary to store the onions correctly so that it does not take place. The truncated onions trig off the feathers, leaving small (1 - 2 cm) tails and roots under the bottom, trying not to hurt the head. This will allow him to be stored longer.

There are several storage methods:

  • can be stored in boxes or bags, with this method you need to periodically twist, for better safety;
  • another way is storage in women's stockings, onions are laid in them and held in suspended in a dry place;
  • you can braid onion braids. To do this, it is necessary to leave the feathers with a length of 10 cm. The bulbs are intertwined and wrap around the rope. Keep the best awesome. Such a leek braid will become an excellent decoration of the kitchen, bringing not only the benefit, but also a decorative component.

Adhering to these simple recommendations, you can collect a crop of onions during. Compliance with all the rules for collecting and processing bulbs will also save the crop in order for a long time. Yields rich to you!

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