How to collect birch juice

How to collect birch juice

In addition, birch juice is pleasant to taste, it is also full of substances needed for the body. Fresh birch juice is able to normalize the microflora in the intestines, to split the kidney stones, help immunity in the fight against the diseases of the lungs. It also uses for cosmetics. The most useful juice is juice, directly assembled by you. Simple rules for this procedure will help you easily and without consequences for birch to get this delicious and healing drink.

Choose time to collect juice. Immediately after the spring equinox, on March 20, you can begin monitoring the coating in the trees. To make sure that the juice went, find a young birch, the thickness of which does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. Make a subtle puncture and watch. The droplet of fluid will tell you that you can start collecting juice. And let it not bother you if the snow is still lying around. Birchs are very early "come to life" by spring, only the first sun will appear.

Choose birch. Do not look for juice in thin birch, as punctures you only injure her. Yes, and juice in young trees will not have a taste familiar to you. Also do not dwell on one tree, but it is better to pick up a few trunks for your purposes. Berez will give you around liter of juice without consequences for its livelihoods. Therefore, it is better to collect 5 liters from five trees than as much - from one. Remember that urban birks do not have parts of the beneficial properties that you find in forest trunks. Trees perfectly accumulate dirt, dust, exhaust gases, evaporation from plants and factories. Their juice will be harmful to you.


We make puncture. In order not to damage the tree, avoid cut holes with an ax. Use a drill with a thin drill. Birch juice circulates in the surface layer of wood, closer to the crust. Therefore, it is not required to do too deep hole.

We collect juice. To collect juice, choose a tank with a narrow neck. So you protect the juice from the grass, dirt, garbage from entering it. The plastic bottle is best suited, which is also easily born to the trunk under the hole. Now you need to build a conductor for juice. A well-washed beam of grass or harness harness perfectly gather juice from the trunk and a capillary way to bring it into a bottle. Insert the "conductor" into the hole of the barrel and lower it in the neck of the tank.

Control the collection of juice. Check the tank filling several times a day. If the juice slows down your movement, do not try to deepen the hole or other ways to speed up its collection. Better go to the next barrel. Without cauting birch completely, you will save them alive.

We treat birch. When the juice collection is completed, do not forget to block the hole you have. Wooden bar holes, plug moss or wax. So the juice will no longer flow and starts to come to the branches. Birch herself will quickly heal the wound. Next year you will not find a trace of puncture.

Observing simple norms, you can enjoy a healthy drink, and save the birch from death.

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