How to harde the trees

How to harde the trees

Overlooking the old tree can be compared with the removal of the patient's tooth. This process is the same painful, requiring great physical effort and the right approach. All Wine is a complex root system. And the summer houses or ordinary plants lovers do not have a suitable equipment for this kind of work. However, adhering to some recommendations, you can easily clean the place from the patient or unnecessary wood with your own hands.

It should be immediately agreed that the cortex process described below will concern the cleaning of the territory. For example, when a new household plot was purchased, and it must be put into order and get rid of trees and old stumps for further development. Otherwise, the foundation of the future house can be destroyed. To do this, you will need:

  • shovel;
  • chainsaw;
  • axe;
  • stairs;
  • chemicals (if necessary).


Consider the mechanical method. Evaluate the sizes of the tree you need to emerge. If its diameter is less than 20 cm then, it may be possible to get rid of it with a shovel. It is desirable that she was a garden. If the tree is located near the buildings, be sure to dry all its side branches before the cortex. If this is not done, in case of falling it may damage the buildings. Apply the staircase to the tree or the building goat and the spire the top of the trunk. Get out the root of the bottom of the tree trunk. To do this, stick to the shovel under the root of the remaining plants and put on the handle. A good sign are the sounds of cut off the roots. If the shovel creaked, then very carefully try to remove it, otherwise it can break. IMPORTANT: Facts of garbage shovels are quite common, so it is worth it to be extremely careful.

Tree 8.

If a tree trunk with a diameter of 20 to 40 cm, then the process of removing it will be more time-consuming. Will the tree from all sides. The trench should be of great depth and wide in diameter, otherwise it is not reached before the roots. Tip: Specialists dig a trench by a radius exceeding the diameter of the tree trunk at least three times. Closer to the surface there will be the most massive roots. Let's start cabin with an ax. If everything described above has been produced, and the remains of the tree lost immobile, it is possible to split the stump with the help of a hammer or to cut by chainsaw. To do this, break the stump first into two parts, and then gradually choke from it. When the tree becomes a shaky or, perhaps, the rope will be able to be stretched under the broken, applying physical strength, pull the stump. Preferably at this stage have helpers and apply only the efforts of the muscles of the legs, and not back.

You can also targe the stump using the blur of the soil. To do this, near Stump dig a deep hole and with the help of a large water pressure wash the ground around the tree. After the roots of the tree are nude, chop them and pull out a tree from the ground.

Tree 9.

Another popular method of irradiation is chemical. He is longer in time, but not much requiring great effort. To get rid of the tree by this method, in the bar, drill a few holes and fill with the selertray, urea or pour it away with the usual salt. Further actions - wait! After about a year, the stump will be turned into a duch.

Depending on the selected method, the result should be one - the tree will be hardened. The mechanical method needs to apply a lot of effort, chemical is less susceptible, but requires a lot of time. If the tree is not amenable to, you can always refer to specialists, in the arsenal of which a variety of equipment.

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