How to dig under trees

How to dig under trees

Sadnikov dackets arguing without interruption on the question, whether it is worth the land around the tree, and if necessary, how to do it? If a tree will be provided with proper care, it guarantees health a plant and a good harvest of the host. Incorrect resistance of the priority circle of wood can lead to violation and damage to the roots of the plant. So, we should learn a few rules for proper steaming around the tree.

The most first looping of the land around the tree is made in early spring. This allows for the first time to preserve moisture and nutrients in the soil. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times for the entire season, during which the soil frills slightly, and weeds are removed.

The rolling circle in the trees should become no more than half a bayonet shovel, neatly and along the root growth, since making a peopling across the growth of the roots of the tree, we can disrupt their integrity, and this will lead to disease and subsequent dieting of some branches. The shovel is put on a rib to the tree.

The depth of the peroxide should not exceed 20 cm, because the main part of the small roots supplying the plant with water and useful substances is at this depth, and we, leaving the soil for the entire length of the shovel, can easily be injured most of these roots. Conductors, feeding wood, can be damaged by neakkurat and deep steaming.

Improve the permeability of the soil (its aeration) can be used by forks instead of shovels. Files of the soil around the tree simply pierced in several goals. In the resulting holes, it will be very convenient to fall asleep fertilizer for wood. It is important to consider that the rolling circle depends on the size of the tree of the tree (the more Crohn, the farther the roots of the tree are common), so the land under the plant is needed far beyond the crown.

After harvesting the soil around the tree, you must definitely braid in order to prevent compaction, and then make fertilizer.


The preparation of the soil of the tree by winter is reduced only to the light of the latter loosen, but not in any way to the resistance, because the cold soil can penetrate enough deeply, and this damage the roots of the tree. Slightly loose soil freezes not as much as the reheated or rammed. The branded tree circle before the onset of cold weather will contribute to the fact that in winter the majority of the larvae will die and the spring plant will become healthier and strong.

Caring correctly behind your trees, you will be rejected by their brown spring blossom and get gratitude to an abundant harvest.

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