How to make the soil fertile

How to make the soil fertile

Lovers of dacha life, floweries and gardeners, dream of fertile soil, which would give strength to fruits and flowers and did not deplete. But it is not harmful to dream, and the vital realities are such that for the fertility of the soil of one dreams are not enough, it is necessary to work well with their hands. Most of the land, given under the country areas, alas, fertile is called can not even with stretch. But in your power to make it such.

Loosening and resistance. Plants love loose, well-permeable soil. On the one hand, it can be achieved by stewing, on the other - at the same time the inner fertile layer is damaged to all microorganisms and the necessary insect plants. Ruffle - more sparing treatment, simultaneously saturating the ground with oxygen, making it loose, and at the same time does not affect the global damage to the underground life.

Soil quality. All soils are divided according to the main elements contained in it: sandy, clay and sublibious, dend-podzolic soils. All these soil has shortcomings, but they can be corrected by adding missing elements: to sandy, for example, add clays, clay little to dilute with sand or peat. In stores and markets for summer residents sell different fertilizers and "Soil enhancers": limestone, bone flour, chalk, haired lime, lime-flump. They are brought with organic and some mineral fertilizers.

High quality

Crop of cultures. The concept of crop rotation is familiar to many dachensons, when it is observed soil will be less exhausted, and the plants are less sick. Its basic rules are that each plant should grow on the same bed for more than two years. Then it must be perched elsewhere, and on the old bed to plant another plant. At the same time, if rooted roots grew on the garden, they should not be replaced by their other roots. That is, plants should experience the need for different nutrients. Do not forget to carry plant-sites.

Sowing Sideratov

We bring weeds. Summer headache - weeds and eternal struggle with them. They deplete the soil, pulling all the juices on themselves. Close cultural plants, as they grow much faster. When weeding do not give a significant effect, you can use herbicides. True, it is necessary to do it late in the spring, when the harvest is already assembled, or in early spring, when the weed grass has already got out, and cultivated plants have not yet planted.


Fore the soil. Ways to fertilize the soil abound: these are purchased organic fertilizers (biohumus, nitroammofosk, urea, gigid and many others), and beveled and overworked grass, and fond of foliage, and plant tops, and manure. The latter never put the fresh. It may have pathogenic microorganisms for cultivated plants, weed seeds, and indeed a rare plant will endure such an aggressive fertilizer. In the worst case, "burns", in the best - it will be for a long time to hurt.


If you are with attention and care to land, it will repay you with a storm and will provide excellent harvest.

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