When to make fertilizers in the soil

When to make fertilizers in the soil

Soil fertilizer is the key to a rich harvest for many years ahead. Any land over time is depleted, so requires care and care as a living being.

Dependence between soil and fertilizers

The type of fertilizer, time and method of their introduction directly depend on the type of land, the duration of its operation, as well as crops that have grown on the season season earlier. For example, if the soil is heavy, fertilizers with nitrogen are introduced in the spring, and all others are in the fall, during the rescue. So that light soils have not given all the useful substances in deep layers (or they were not washed), they feather them in the spring. Liquid or "green" fertilizers, which dacnisters often make themselves, can be made gradually with each irrigation, with accuracy bypassing gentle green leaves of cultures. We should not forget about the extra-root feeders, especially effective for shrubs and garden trees. Such spraying makes early in the morning or late in the evening, but not with a bright sun.

Falker soil nitrogen

Fertilizers with rich nitrogen content are made under plants in the first half of summer. This allows cultures to quickly increase the green mass and give a more powerful harvest. But from the beginning of August, it is better to stop this procedure. Otherwise, perennials will not have time to prepare for wintering, tightening their cycle "wakefulness" to deep cold weather. On the other hand, later (for example in October), the fertilizer of young fruit trees by manure, litter or cowbank stretches the formation of a strong root system. As a result, nitrogen fertilizers can be made 4 times a year, according to the following scheme:

  • at the beginning of the disembarkation, for a set of green mass;
  • in June, after the fear of empty barring;
  • in July, for bookmarking fruit kidneys for the next year;
  • after falling out the leaves, to build roots.

Making compost in soil

It takes a long time by humus in order to turn into a full-fledged nutrient feeding. Therefore, many owners prefer to introduce him to the land early. Namely - in the fall, so that the compost can additionally decompose and feed the Earth for a longer time. The finished humor is also beneficial to lay out early spring, for one and a half or two months before landing for the first shoots. To prevent drying, the humus is injected to a depth of 10-15 cm, covering the layer of mulch. In the fall, it is preferable to make a simple compost into clay and sandy lands, at the rate of 5 kg. Substances per meter square garden. The finished fertilizer is spent more carefully - near the persons on the well, depending on the type of plant.

Other types of soil fertilizers

List all types of fertilizers with their features in one article is simply impossible. Therefore, we quickly touch the most important:

  • peat can be made at any time of the year, even on top of snow, interfering with lime;
  • water-soluble phosphoric fertilizers are laid under any cultures and soils, semi-soluble - on acidic land, hard-soluble - on leached and degraded chernozem;
  • autumn phosphorus is entered for crops of early sowing;
  • effective potassium compounds should be distinguished: potassium chloride is suitable for acidic soils and areas with powerful precipitation, potassium sulfate - for greenhouses;
  • the most useful are complex fertilizers, such as potash nithera, ammophos, nitroamophos, crystalline, and so on.

Carefully treat the dosage of fertilizers, observing the state of plants and soil. Exceeding the amount of nutrients recommended by specialists will negatively affect the amount and quality of the harvest, as well as your health and well-being of plants.

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