Many novice gardeners want to know exactly how and in what doses it is necessary to make fertilizers. In this article, we will consider the main types of fertilizers and the features of their contribution.
Organic fertilizers. Putting the earth and various plants with useful elements. Experts argue that organic fertilizers are preferable to contribute to the warm season - early autumn, in spring or summer. Experienced gardeners make them every year under various vegetables, trees and berry shrubs. The highest doses require cucumbers, asparagus and onions. Consider the main types of organic fertilizers.- Manure. It is the most versatile and widespread fertilizer. Contains cobalt, copper, boron, molybdenum and manganese. The result from its introduction is preserved for several years. It is important to know that the manure must be made exclusively in the output state by closeing in the upper layers of the Earth. On average, 4-6 kg per m2 are introduced.
- Peat. It practically does not contain useful components, but makes the land more loose, water and breathable. It should be remembered that freshly the peat cannot be made. Before making it, it is worth measuring for several days. This fertilizer is well suitable for sandy or clay land. Experienced gardeners argue that it can be made in any quantity. On average, 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof peat per 1 m2 is introduced. Together with him, it is recommended to add lime flour (4-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 100 kg of peat).
- Bird litter. Also improves the earth and saturates cultures with useful elements. It contains all major nutrients, but in much larger quantities than in simple manure. The raw litter is brought in an amount of 0.4-0.5 kg per m2, dry - 0.2-0.3 kg per m2. It can also be used in the form of a special solution prepared in a ratio of 1:10. Apply 0.2 liters for each culture.
Features of application:
- Nitrogen. One species is ammonia nitrate. It is suitable for too alkaline land or for crops that require cultivation in acid soil. On average, 15-25 g per m2 are contributed. Calcium nitrate also refers to nitrogen fertilizers, but is alkaline. It is brought in the dosage of 30-50 g per m2. All plants need in nitrogen, especially potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes.
- Phosphorus. Superphosphate is used to replenish phosphorus. Ideal for all types of soils, except acid. Being in the latter, the superphosphate reacts with an acid, as a result of which the plants do not absorb useful components. On average, 40-60 g per m2 is made. Specialists argue that absolutely all plants need in phosphorus. But the highest need has artichoke, cabbage, horseradish, cucumbers and pumpkin.
- Potassium. To saturate the soil, potassium sulphate is used by this element. It is brought in the amount of 20-25 g per m2. Potash salt is very similar to him, but contains a little less potassium. The rate of application is 15 g per m2. Kalia is very demanding: potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, peppers, eggplants, cabbage, cucumbers, beans, tomatoes, and pear, cherry, blackberry, apple tree, plum and raspberry.
The soil, devoid of organic substances and mineral elements, is not able to provide optimal conditions for the activities of bacteria. But it is not recommended to make too many fertilizers. Compliance with the norms and frequency of useful elements will be favorable on the resulting crop.