How to eat vegetable garden in spring

How to eat vegetable garden in spring

Today, more and more people want to grow something natural, homemade on their beds. But in order for the harvest to be abundant and high-quality, the garden needs to be focused.

Many gardeners and gardeners for fertilizer use manure. It can be distributed as evenly over the entire surface, and to be added directly into the hole. The use of manure depends on how desposed it is, and how much does it in it. The effect of such fertilizer is observed for several years.


In the practice of preparing the soil to landing, the use of compost is an excellent organic fertilizer. This is a rewinding organic to any forms and species. For a dacket it is available. For the Earth, this fertilizer saturated with useful trace elements and humus. It is recommended to use similarly with manure: over the entire surface or plug under the seedlove.

The use of mineral fertilizers should be strictly limited by the instructions for its use. Usually choose nitrogen, potash, manganese, lime and other types of such fertilizers. The most common: urea, nitrate, ammonia, ammonia water. Such fertilizers use only twice a year - in mid-April and mid-November. They are scattered manually, then the Earth is cultivated. Chemical fertilizers increase yields, and some - and the quality of plant fruits.

Another way to improve the Earth before planting is the use of orgomineral fertilizers. This is a mixture of organic and mineral fertilizer species. Each drug is applied according to an individual scheme. But there are several and general rules. For open soil, spraying is used for closed - drip watering. Such fertilizer is used for plant seeds, and for leaves for a separate technique.

Each type of fertilizer is beneficial. But for better effect, it is necessary to feed and fertilize the Earth twice a year. Then it will be possible to enjoy not only "your" fruits, but also see that with the right approach they will get better purchased.

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