Savoy cabbage is still not a frequent guest on our gods. But nutritionists have long appreciated the useful qualities of this product: cabbage is rich in proteins, vitamins, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and other trace elements necessary for our organism. It is not more difficult to grow the Savoy cabbage than we are familiar to the white.
It is best to grow cabbage with a seaside way. Early varieties sow in early March and already in early May are seedlings in open ground. If you plan to get a harvest in the fall, then the time of sowing is shifted a month ahead. 4-5 days after sowing appear seedlings, and after 45 days, a good seedlings already have 4-5 real sheets.
Savoy cabbage can be sowed to open soil April. Then it is necessarily covered with a film or nonwoven material. And after 40 days, young plants make a permanent place.
Sit down cabbage at a distance of 40-50 cm for early grades and 60-70 cm for the middle and late varieties. Experienced gardeners advise to grow cabbage on the beds, where legumes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers grew earlier. But the next year the landing place must be changed, and it will be able to return to the same place of cabbage in five years.
Late varieties of Savoy cabbage are more demanding on the number of fertilizers. Very good cabbage takes organic fertilizers, they water the plants after the planted seedlings go into growth. The potash and phosphate fertilizers of the Savoy Cabstone is required more than white. They are better to apply during the second feeding, during the couch curling period.
Savoy cabbage tolerates drought well enough, although it prefers wet places. Like any other cabbage, loves solar, well-ventilated habitats. Young plants watered moderately, during the summer just a few times. With an excessive watering of roots, cabbage die in 12 hours, which can lead to the loss of the whole harvest.
Lovely loves the gentle juicy leaves of the Savoy Cabbage Wheat. It can be simply washed off from plants with a jet of water, helping hand. Cabbage is sufficiently resistant to leaf-mating pests.
Weeding and soil loosening is a prerequisite, especially if the cabbage grows on heavy soils. On dry soils loose on a smaller depth - up to 10-12 cm, the wet soils loose deeper, while trying not to damage the roots of the plants.
Savoy cabbage - frost resistant, so do not hurry with late varieties. It can be cut when the temperature goes even up to minus seven degrees. But early grades need to be removed on time when the cabbage acquires a characteristic color, and the kochans will rotate 400-600 g, otherwise the forks can crack.