How to plant broccoli

How to plant broccoli

Broccoli is a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements. This is a light-loving, frost-resistant culture that requires frequent irrigation and feeding fertilizers.

Soil preparation. In the fall, they jump up the ground, we introduce fertilizers (compost, manure, humus), if necessary, lime. The place is chosen well illuminated.

Preparation of seeds. To increase the stability of broccoli to the diseases of the seeds, they are thermally processed at first hot water (15 min), and then cold (1 min). After that, withstand in a solution of boric acid (0.5 g / l) or manganese (1 g / l) to ten o'clock. Processed seeds rinse and leave in the refrigerator per day. To check for similarity, we leave for 4-5 days in a wet fabric.

Growing seedlings. From mid-March to the second half of July, seeding seeds to seedlings. We are preparing a mixture for landing from peat, land, fertilizer and sand in a 1: 1: 1: 1 ratio. For convenience, we use cups with a ready-made mixture. In this case, there is no need to recruit seedlings in two weeks and sear it into the pot. Seeds put in the ground to a depth of up to 1 cm. Watering as needed. The oversupported and lack of moisture causes diseases in the first case, or the destruction of the plant in the second. After a month and a half, when 5-6 leaves are formed in the plant, the cabbage is planted into the ground. The distance between the rows of 55-65 cm and 20-30 between the plants in the row.

Sowing an open ground. Broccoli is also sown directly into open ground. Optimal deadlines - from the second half of May, including the beginning of June. Making the wells according to the scheme: aisle - 50 cm, the distance in the row is up to 30 cm. We put two seeds into each well. At the phase of two sheets, one of the plants cut off, leaving more viable. Care is a systematic watering, feeding and weeding.

Such an uncompute way you can get a rich broccoli harvest.


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