How to collect crop cabbage

How to collect crop cabbage

So autumn came, and you gladly look at the light green heads sticking out of the ground. But if you incorrectly collect crisp crop and show neglect to storage conditions, then all your works will be in vain spending time.

The time to collect late cabbage it is customary to be the period when the night temperature drops to zero, and the daily - does not exceed 8 degrees. Cabbage should be removed in dry weather. Otherwise, before laying for storage, the kochans need to dry.

First we collect those kochens that have already slept. Distinguish mature cochanists easily. Mature Kochan big and strong, and his leaves are shiny and bright. A sharp knife or hatch is neat, one by one, cut off the kochens, trying not to damage their integrity. The outer narch must be left for about 3-4 cm long.

When the cabbage is cut, it is necessary to sort it. For long-term storage, only the dense ochens of medium sized, not having cracks, painful rot, without lesions from pests and spots are suitable.

Selected kochans Cabbage are reputable from rotten and dried leaves. At the same time, it is necessary to leave 3-4 upper cover sheets. Then wrap the newspaper to prevent drying and carefully stored in the cellar, on the rack. Or hang in place for storage.

Cabbage is very demanding to storage temperature. Recommended temperature - from +1 to +5 degrees. Humidity in the storage place is not lower than 90%. Light should also be avoided, otherwise cabbage will start germinate. Periodically, the cabbage must inspect and delete bad leaves.


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