When collecting black rowan

When collecting black rowan

The black-like rowan, in America is better known as aronym, is widely used in medicinal purposes. In addition, the berries often make jam, filling for pies and wine. The black rowan is very useful for the human body. It contains a huge number of different vitamins and useful chemical elements for the body. The substances contained in black rowan are capable of improving the work of the immune system, eliminate headaches, stabilize the work of the heart and not only.

The fruits of black rowan can be collected throughout the autumn, the main peak of the crop is considered September and October. It was during these months that the berry completely matures and is considered to be ready for use. Store the berity is preferable in a cool place, it excellently retains its properties at temperatures up to 5 degrees.

When you need to collect blackfold rowan for drying

In order to dry in black rowan rowan, it is recommended to collect after primary frosts. With proper care, the berry will save all therapeutic components and will still be useful for a person. The berry will also be able to be stored at temperatures up to 50 degrees, if competent ventilation is provided.

When need to collect blackfold rowan for wine

To prepare wine from chokeberina, you need to start collecting in the last days of October. The berry must be completely blackened and soft. It is worth noting that the correct approach will be a harvest after the rain, at this time with berries it will wash all the natural dust and fall all the berries that are not ready.

How to collect chokebail

The ripening period of berries falls at the end of summer and the end of autumn. It is throughout this time a berry comes in complete readiness. Before direct harvest fees, it is necessary to determine what a berry needed exactly, and collect in accordance with the instructions.

In order to determine at what stage of maturity there is a black-water rowan, take one berry and carefully press it to produce juice. The juice of a light shade indicates that the rowan has not yet been completely ripe, and is also not ready for consumption, and dark purple juice is the proof of the complete readiness of the berries to use.


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