How to grow garlic

How to grow garlic

Garlic - culture with acute taste and smell with healing power. The bulbs consist of individual lobes, which are used as sowing material.

For landing garlic, choose a dry and sunny area where the snow is faster than the snow. Consider that it is impossible to plant it in one place for 3 years in a row. Do not squeeze after potatoes and onions. Depth at 25 cm. Pull the soil, burst and remove all the weed roots. If the land on the plot is heavy, add some sand. Contact with overwork on top (just do not use fresh manure), align the bed and drink the water. Plot is ready for use.

Sprinkle the spring garlic - in the last days of April, and winter - in 1-1.5 months to frosts. Select good, dried bulbs. Choose extreme baccinets, they are strong and contain more than branched substances. Rubberize on the teeth and rinse in the rape. Take 3 tbsp. l. On 5 liters of water, hold 1-2 minutes, then shift to the solution of copper mood - 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water, 1 minute. Do not rinse, put on the ridge.

Prepare for landing. Make a groove with a depth of 6-8 cm at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. On the ditch, decompose the slices every 10 cm and press the finger to 4-5 cm into the ground. Put the teeth vertically or on a barrel. With a large gloss, the vegetable will grow small, and with a small - freezes. Two weeks later, support the water.

To multiply garlic can be seeds on the bulbs, as they are also called - air bouches. They grow on the arrows of garlic. The arrow do trust about 25 cm from the inflorescence. If you break less, it will grow further and will not bring big teeth. After tie them with a sheaf and hang to dry in a gauze bag. Before landing, ask for an unnecessary husk. Select larger garlicity and the same method as the bulbs, planted in the grooves. Sprinkle with overwork on top.

Careful garlic care is important. At the beginning of the spring, fertilize the urea, the flow rate is 1 m2 - 0.5 st. l. 5 liters When will go, feed twice a month. In the first fertilizer must contain nitrogen: 0.5 liters of chicken guano, 1 tbsp. l. "Nitroammofoski" are in 10 liters of water. In the second - phosphorus and potassium. Prepare a 10 liter of water: 1 tbsp. l. Double superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. Potassium sulfate, 1 tbsp. l. urea. In both cases, 1 m2 consume 5 liters of solution. Another day after the procedure, sleep with the soil with rugs, repeat after 6-7 days. Garlic needs plowed ground without Bianana.

As soon as the garlic will yellow and dried the leaves, the bulbs will begin to crack - proceed to cleaning. Collect gently not to damage the vegetable. Dipped crop smooth from the ground and let me succeed in the sun. Then do trust the roots and tops. Optionally, you can leave the leaves and braid into the "braids." Store in a dry place.


Garlic landing procedure is an easy thing. A little bit in the garden of such unpretentious fruits. Follow the recommendations described above, and the "stone bow" is enough for a whole year. The benefits of garlic in the autumn-winter time is undoubted, because it is a source of vitamins and minerals.

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