How to grow winter garlic

How to grow winter garlic

There are 2 ways to plant garlic: spring and winter. Winter garlic is planting for winter so that he has a powerful root system. Consider the instructions how to grow winter garlic.

To begin with, we prepare a landing site, it should not be on the hill and in lowland, in order not to accumulate water in this place, and in winter it was not blown in the wind.

Plant garlic to frosts for 40-45 days (at the end of September - in early October). For the period between planting and frosts, the teeth are rooted. It is planted with furrows at a distance of 7x25 cm. For landing, bulbo bulbies or fresh teeth are used. The depth of the embelling of a bulb of 2-3 cm, zubkov - 6-7 cm.

It is worth remembering that garlic is not planted in one place more than 4 times. It is grown on a fertile plot after cabbage, legumes, peas and pumpkin cultures. It is not recommended to plant after potatoes, carrots, onions and cucumbers, the soil after them is very exhausted. Best of all, garlic is growing on enriched by organic drum soils with pH6.5-7.0.


After disembarking, garlic is covered with mulching material from extinction. In mandatory garlic you need to open in time so that it does not make it. Also once in a half months, it needs to be gone. It is necessary to water garlic once a week, about 7-10 liters on M2, in July days it is necessary to water less often, as the ripening of bulbs is. In front of the landing, you need to add organications, on 1 water bucket 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate, some lime, then all overheat to a depth of 20 cm. Be sure to dissolve and polish with copper vitriol (on 10 liters of water 1 tbsp.) , Approximately liter of the solution on sq.m beds.


Throughout growth, garlic needs to be fed, on a water bucket - a glass of bird litter or a cow. Approximately 3 liters of solution goes to a square meter of the site. It is important to carry out prevention against fungal diseases, for this you need to dilute in 10 liters of water 1 tablespoon of soap and 1 tsp. copper sulfate.

Most often, such a variety of garlic is being planted for the winter, like: Mushroom Jubilee, Gribovsky 60, Danilovsky local, Poretsky local, Komsomolets and Otradnensky.


In the middle of August, the harvest is being built, if the feather it is, not updated, changes its color, which means that garlic is coming. It is important that the teeth do not disintegrate on the slices, such a garlic is not suitable for storage.

Vintage garlic

Garlic is a seasoning, which is added to many dishes, is also used as a prophylactic agent.

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