How to grow bow

How to grow bow

If someone thinks that growing onions is very simple, he is deeply mistaken. Of course, the bow on the garden matures in any case, even if it does not care about it. But whether the result is good large heads - this is a big question. To the onions really grew up high quality, use our advice.

The bow does not tolerate if it is grown for several years in a row in the same place. Each new vegetable season needs to plant on a new bed. At the same time, the best predecessors for onions are potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers and all bean.

Onions are very demanding to soils. If the ground is acidic, then you will not wait good harvest. Best onion grows on fertile black soils with a neutral pH level. The vegetable reacts perfectly to feeding, especially he loves sulfur. Therefore, for a good crop a couple of times per season, adapt your landings with such mineral fertilizers: superphosphate, ammonium sulfate or potassium sulfate.

The onion "On the repankment" sits down with small lows, the so-called "spit". So that the Sevop faster goes into growth, it is impossible to indulge in the ground so as not to damage his lower part - the roots will grow from there in the future. In the Groke prepared for Luke you need to make a groove, 1-1.5 cm depth, simply put vertically on the bulbs and pour out the ground. Earth should be so much that the upper part is sprinkled for only 2-3 mm. The distance between the rows is 10-15 cm, between the lows too - 10-15 cm.

The land on a garden with a bow should be well maintained: freed from weeds and exploded. When the fuses are loosened, follow the onions to be permanent (highly sprinkled by soil). Heads should be completely shortened the ground so that through this thin layer to obtain a sufficient amount of sunlight.

At the beginning of its growth, the onions very suffer from lack of watering. The garden should be constantly wet, but not too flooded with water. At the same time, the bow can not be poured by the method of sprinkling when water hits the heads. It is best to make small grooves between the rows and watering into these recesses.

The bow with the beds are cleaned when its ground part becomes almost dry. When you already see that the heads of Luke "scored" their size, and the tops begin to wither, then stop watering onions at all. Two-three weeks, when the ground part will dry, it can be pulled out of the ground and fold for drying. Watering before cleaning, it is necessary to stop so that it is a little snack in the ground - because of this it will be well kept in winter. If this is not done and remove the raw bow, then after two months it will start rotting, even in a dry basement.

Often, the arrow begins to form on the garden on the garden - this is a long rigid green pen, on the top of which the bulky inflorescence is formed. If you want to collect seeds, then leave such arrows pieces 7-8 - this will be enough for the seeds enough for you, and your neighbors. Broken the remaining arrows - if this is not done, then all the power will go on the ripening of seeds, and the bulbs in the ground will not raise the desired size.

If you want to grow onions on the feather in winter, then take any suitable container that will stand on the window. Fill it with a universal earthy mixture (buy in a flower shop). Take the mid-sized bulbs and put them on the ground very tightly. Pour the bulbs with the same mixture so that half the head remains on top. Put the appearance with a bow on the window and water the winter bed as the soil dried. Two weeks you can already eat green onions, grown personally.

Do not grow onions on the feather on the windowsill, lowering the bulbs in cans or glasses with water. The green part of such a bow is obtained too water, and the roots are started to be rotated, which leads to the formation of an unpleasant smell indoors.

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