When mineral fertilizers contribute

When mineral fertilizers contribute

The proper use of mineral fertilizers can improve the development of the mass of plants, their quality and fertility. The use of fertilizers can be divided into feeding and main.

What are Mineral Fertilizers?

Some gardeners still adhere to the opinions that such fertilizers are capable of harming the soil, allegedly poisoning its chemistry. This view of mineral fertilizers is incorrect, such fertilizers are not able to harm or improve the soil. Mineral fertilizers affect the plants, thanks to them they will receive microelements required for growth, the fruit gardeners will faster and fill out all the necessary nutritional elements.

Maintenance of mineral fertilizers

The main part of mineral fertilizers is made in the fall. At the time when the harvest is assembled, and weeds are mercilessly removed, gardeners scatter mineral fertilizers through the garden and hammer the soil exactly in the depth of the bayonet shovel. It is important to remember that making fertilizers for different crops will be different:

  • For vegetable crops, potash or phosphoric fertilizers will be suitable. They are perfectly absorbed by the soil, and during periods of precipitation do not wash out from the zone of the root system of plants.
  • Fruit and berry cultures are best to fertilize through the deep introduction of the entire majority of fertilizer under the poppopk. For those who decided to take advantage of nitrogen fertilizers, you should take note of amide and ammonia forms.

Mineral fertilizers feeding

With the help of feeding it is possible to get a higher harvest, the main thing is not to forget to follow the dosage. The feeders are divided into root and extractive:

  • Root feeder (for the first time) should be performed two weeks after transportation of seedlings in the ground. All subsequent feeders are leaning on the state of the plants, but not more often than once in 20-30 days. In the summer it is better to take advantage of soluble forms of nitrogen, but if desired, urea or ammonium nitrate will also be suitable.
  • Extra-corner feeding applies in most cases in the form of trace elements. It is quite convenient to use them, because they are most often produced in the form of tablets and accompanied by the instruction, where the dose and the desired water solution are specified in detail. This feeding is carried out by spraying the leaves in the morning and in the evening. During the day, the spraying should not be carried out, in order to avoid burns of the leaves.

What should be considered when using mineral fertilizers

The concentrated form of mineral fertilizers will greatly facilitate the process of fertilizer, but when calculating the volume will have to be revealed to maximum care. It will be necessary to accurately follow the installed dosage for a certain culture. In no case should not act from the principle: more - it means better. Otherwise, it will be released as with a saving soup, and you just ruin the plant. Clearly follow the dosage indicated on the package or in the instructions.


Mineral fertilizers are an excellent way to increase the yield of cultures grown. This type of fertilizer brings the greatest benefit when applied as feeding. Harvest quality, resistance to various pests and diseases will increase significantly, the plants will become stronger and healthy, as well as their fruits.

If you still have any questions or doubts about mineral fertilizers, we advise you to see a small video in which you will tell in detail about all the nuances and the peculiarities of these fertilizers.

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