How to restore the soil

How to restore the soil

Sooner or later, during the maintenance of agriculture, the soil is depleted. At the same time, the crop decreases on the site, the land becomes more difficult to process. However, this development of events can be avoided and even restore the most reliable case.

The easiest andless way to restore fertility is just to give the earth to relax. During the time that the soil will not pull, plant cultures or eradicate, on its surface, a layer of turf is accumulated, the rain worms will form the so-called "vermiculite" (the soil passed through their intestinal tract and enriched with useful substances), useful microorganisms and etc. It is not recommended to scam and remove the grass in such a plot - let it be asleep after and will be reworked by microorganisms.

If there is no possibility for a long time to leave the plot, you can rotate cultures on it. Simply put - change the beds in places. A lot of books and benefits are written on this topic, which says that and then plant. But we will give only a few examples for clarity. The beds of potatoes and root root strongly deplete land, especially nitrogen lacks. To fix this disadvantage, land on their place legumes, and after removing the crop, do not remove their tops from the field. A few years later, the beds can be returned to their places. It is believed that the crop turning should also be produced because the pest microorganisms accurate and attacking the specific culture of plants accumulate on the site. If you put in the specified location something else, the pests will need time and strength to restructure. The simplest circuit of turnover: alternation of sheet, fruit or rooteplood species.

The properties of the soil significantly affect both its fertility and the rate of recovery. The "acidic" lands slower accumulating the humus layer. Therefore, we are either trying to reduce acidity (for example, lime), or planting cultures that grow well here: sorrel, root, zucchini. At all, there is a cabbage, peas, bow and garlic, beets and cucumbers. The fertility of the soil and its chemical composition is easy to determine without special devices, on plants indicators. Clover, coltsfoot, bindweed and chamomile grow on the "good" soils. On whisen - Horst, plantain, sorrel, mint.

Of course, it is possible to restore fertility and is necessary using fertilizers. Better - organic that will not damage our body. They are easy to produce in their yard, with minimal cost and tremendous benefit. First of all, this compost in which all waste will go, for example:

  • weeds and dirty foliage;
  • grass from the mower;
  • "Served" the soil from flower pots;
  • peel and all kinds of vegetable kitchen waste;
  • eggshell;
  • manure and other excrement;
  • tea and coffee "Human";
  • old paper.

Some gardeners create fertilizers from the green mass alone, folding it into the tank with water and leaving for fermentation for 1-2 weeks. Great for such targets, sprinkle, dandelion and other "weeds". It is undesirable to ferment the fertilizer in the metal dishes and water the beds with an undivided composition. Otherwise, one benefit from organic fertilizer.

As we see, you can restore and enjoy any, even the most complex soil. And for this, it is not necessary to spend a lot of effort and cash. Almost everything you need is already growing in your site. The main thing is to know how and where to use it.

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