When sow white mustard

When sow white mustard

No matter how good mineral and organic fertilizers were good, in recent years, many gardeners go to the fertilizer of the Earth ... mustard. It is understood not to sprinkle the soil with mustard powder, and its growing green bushes on the beds. After the plant grows up to a certain size, but even before his flowering, the ground, along with young sprouts they are drunk. As a result, the beds are enriched with all the useful substances that have accumulated in the mustard. The general name of the green fertilizers is "Siderats", whose bright representative is white mustard.

Why use mustard to build soil? Because it is this plant that is capable of a very short time (only one month) to grow a large green mass and accumulate a huge amount of organic substances and useful trace elements. In the mustard, many essential oils that are scared from the garden of all pests: wires, slugs, frozhors, troubles. But the earthen worms of the mustard after Popile, on the contrary, attracts. The latter feed on it by decomposing roots and leaves and well loose land.

The mustard can be sowed on any soils, it is especially recommended to do on exhausted and saline. It is possible to sow mustard and early spring, and after harvesting. For its good germs and increase in greens, it is necessary to regularly water the method of sprinkling. Mustard is sled to beds, where in the future all vegetables will be grown, except cabbage. These two plants belong to one family of cruciferous, which are not used as precursors.

In the spring, the White mustard at the end of April, when the Earth warms down a bit and will still be wet after melting of snow. In humid soil, the plant will take up for 3-4 days. You can not be afraid of frosts, which at this time are still on the ground. Mustard shoots absolutely calmly carry the temperature to -4 degrees. Saute mustard in well-sided with the fall of the soil, and after sowing it is necessary to fence it with robbles. Norm of seed: 120-150 g of seed for 1 weaving. More convenient to sue mustard in rows, like such as you do for carrots. The optimal width between the rows is 15 cm. Make the mustard in a month and a half, when it will reach it 20-25 cm. Leave the green bell mass on the beds and dig along with its roots. For better fermentation of greenery and rowing mustard in front of the rescopech, the soil trends in any edge: Baikal, shine, buxib.

In the fall, it is advisable to plant mustard after digs of potatoes - usually this is August-month. At this time, the weather is still warm, and mustard can well be a good green mass. At the same time, sowing the day after cleaning the potatoes when the ground is still wet. Autumn shoots may be later than spring. This is explained by the dry soil or dry summer. In order for the mustard to have a good greens, watering it regularly. Further act with it in the same way as in the spring - let and shift. If you sit at first, and then weave mustard, the Earth will delight you with good strong spring shoots and good autumn harvest vegetables.

Some dackets believe that the mustard is not needed for the winter. We offer you about this to get acquainted with the opinion of the experienced gardeners who will voice their point of view.

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