The fields sweat off oats have recently stretched to the horizon itself, gladly gladly gladly, and then golden carpet. Today, Oats sow less often, but this cerebral becomes in demand, thanks to its high nutritional value.
If we talk about oats not on the scale of industrial cultivation, this culture has been used everywhere for soil improvement. As a real doctor, Oats inhibits the growth of aggressive weeds, and deep roots of the plant enrich the soil of potassium, organic substances, improving its structure and water permeability. Oats loves a poultry very much, and the application in the medical nutrition of this creek broke all records of popularity.
Seeds to crops are preparing carefully: processing about 20 minutes in a weak solution (1%) permanganate potassium allows you to avoid sowing infectious diseases. Buy seeds better from proven companies at the rate of 1 kg of oats per hundred.
Oats is a very unpretentious culture, he is not afraid of cold, snow. Already at the end of April, seeds can be heated in the soil prepared since the fall. In order for oats to give friendly shoots, you need to sow it into a wet land. Seeds germinate at a temperature of 1-2 degrees Celsius, therefore early seeding time is preferred.
Sow Oats in two ways: rows and corrosion. If the area is small, then it is better to sow into the grooves, the distance between them should be at least 10 cm, and the depth is 3-4 cm. Large areas are squeezed by the gossip, following the seeds to scatter evenly. After sowing, the seeds need to carefully close in the soil, it is convenient to make the back side of Rabel. If Oats are used as a Siderate, then after he goes well, it will bloom, it is mounted and close in the ground. Sprouts decompose, feeding the soil and curing it from different diseases. To speed up this process, with dry weather it is necessary to water the site.
In order to collect grain, you need to wait for its ripening when the upper part of the blizzard reaches waxing. If the collection is carried out manually, the plants are cut and, as in an older, are binding to shens that are stored in a ventilated room. Oats must dry, after which it is cooled.
Oats are grown for the improvement of the soil, the preparation of healing infusions, decorative crafts from golden straw, the preparation of beautiful dry bouquets is completely simple. This plant is responsive to care and good care, the main thing is not to miss the deadlines for his sowing.