How to dig a frown earth

How to dig a frown earth

Experts claim that it is not difficult to make a deep pit in frozen land. For the winter, the soil freezes for 1-2 meters, which does not give precipitation to penetrate deeply. The level of groundwater is lowered, and drought is formed in the ground. Knowing people use such an opportunity for drilling wells.

If the street is snowing, clearing the selected place. To do this, take the snow shovel and work gloves. If you have an aluminum shovel - keep it at an angle of 45 degrees if plastic - pay attention to its frost resistance.

In place of the intended pit, take a tent or a tent. Install the heater to the tent for 30 minutes to warm the upper most frozen layer of the Earth. A kerosene lamp is suitable as a heater. She will burn brighter if Kerosene add a little cook salt. Do not forget, kerosene lamp is a source of fire, keep it away from the walls of the tent. In no case do not pour gasoline instead of kerosene. Heat the tent can also be gas burner or soldering lamp.

If there is no possibility to install a tent, spread the fire. Maximize the area selected under the pit. After the coals remain, cover the bonfire for minutes 20 by any heat transfer material. Make sure that the material does not ignite.

Prepare tools for digging: perforator, sledgehammer, scrap, hollow hammer, pickaxe. The usual shovel is not suitable for the frozen land. The sledgehammer should be with a short handle (15-20 cm) and weighing 3-5 kg. As a tool, a chainsaw with an old chain is also suitable, which will not sorry to throw out.

Start digging a pit without removing the rooted coals. Use all the existing tools to knock out frozen pieces of land layer over the layer. With the help of Sovkova's shovels, throw off the frozen pieces. If the earth is bad, you can breed a bonfire again.

The described technology used our ancestors. In the modern world there are drilling plants that help in the shortest time to dig a pit of any depth. But there is such a pleasure of considerable money.

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