How to make a gazebo from a tree

How to make a gazebo from a tree

The gazebo in the country is an urgent need, since the street usually takes much longer than in the house. Yes, and when a big company is going, much more comfortable to sit in a gazebo behind a leaned table, admire the view, and to fry the kebab on the mangale. Many building firms offer their services for the manufacture and installation of ready-made arows, but you can significantly save, building a gazebo with your own hands.

Choose a place for the future gazebos - the place must be quite even so that you do not spend time on alignment. Choose a place where there is no water toasts so that the gazebo or its foundation is not hidden. Consider the microclimate of the site, the illumination of the place under the arboretum, the number of people in the family or company - so that everyone can accommodate comfortably. It is important to take into account the appearance of the arbor, its combination with the house or landscape. You can use the project from the Internet, or calculate and draw an exemplary sketch yourself if you have sufficient knowledge.

Make the estimate and purchase materials: boards or timber, from which you will do the gazebo, materials for the foundation - cement, sand, fittings, fasteners - nails and self-tapping screws, roofing materials. The choice is extremely wide and depends only on your preferences and sizes of the wallet.

The most important stage is the correct laying of the foundation, if you want a gazebo to serve you for many years, do not neglect them. The most common types of foundation for arbors are the same as during the construction of houses - column, tape and tiled. Stamp - most simple, available and stable for clay soils. Piles and posts place at the joints of the walls and corners of the arbor. Between the foundation and wooden floor of the gazebo, the waterproofing material should be paved - for example, rubberoid.

The foundation is going to the floor of the future gazebos - it warks in the air - due to this air layer, the tree is not so exposed to moisture. By the way, since the arbor is wooden, all parts of it should be processed from the effects of the external environment with copper vitriol and oil and painted, or covered with varnish. Basis make from long bars. And on the floor lags, put the boards and nail them to the base.

The walls of the floor and the base of the gazebo can be supported by the walls. Stands gazebos are made of smaller bars than base. The easiest way to install them, scoring into metal supports. Connect the racks with a flat board so that they are in the same plane and stood smoothly vertically. What will the walls in your arbor depends on your preferences - perhaps you will leave the gazebo open, or make the grids for which letting the curly plants, or put the boards until the middle - choose you. But consider the climate in your area if you often come rain, it makes sense to make a gazebo half-closed.

The roof of the arbor can be a single, duplex or multicate. The last most effective, but also complex. A single roof is more reminiscent of a canopy, and the double - just the golden middle. Collect the roof on earth, and upstairs are raised already in the assembled state and strengthen well. Clean the roof can be clapped, face down. If this seems to you not enough, then put soft or metal tile.

Cottage is not only a place where you can relax - here you will also have to attach strength and skills: try yourself in landscape design, gardening and even construction. Starting with a simple wooden arbor project, you may need to taste and continue your activities on this field.

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