Beetle type, how to deal

Beetle type, how to deal

The beetle-typographic is also called the core. First of all, he attacks weak spruce and pines, and then goes to healthy trees. At the first stage of attack, the koroned must still be saved. But if the attack happened for a long time, highly infected trees will have to destroy. In this article, we will look at the basic ways to deal with the core.

Signs of the sealing of a tree with a bug-cored

  • In the cortex you can see the round holes from which resin can flow (this means that the tree is struggling with infection).
  • The tree begins to disappear. This feature does not always symbolize the population in the pest. But if you discovered it in a complex with other signs - the defeat is still present.
  • The needles becomes dim and acquires autumn shades. It begins to be down in a reinforced pace.
  • Tree lures many woodwoods.
  • On the ground or at the bottom of the tree you can see the drilling flour. This feature indicates the strongest settlement of stem pests.

Sanitary cut. If you have noticed a boring flour under any tree, you will have to remove it from others. It can be even green, but usually already doomed. If you do not destroy highly affected trees in time, the pest larvae will turn into adult beetles and attack the neighboring plants.

The use of insecticides. A popular drug is "Bifentrin". After processing, fir protects against the attack of cores for 2-4 weeks. Then it is necessary to re-process. You can also use biological products. You cannot combine insecticides and biopreparations. It is worth noting that the poisoning substances can be used only in the warm season (April - October). It is also important to remember that the rain is flushes them, so after sediments you have to carry out additional processing. Pollination is carried out with the help of manual sprayers or aerosol installations.

Main types of insecticides:

  • poisons that kill pests when hitting them;
  • poisons penetrating the tissue of plants and the affixing pests are already there;
  • the poisons that kill the pest embryos in the eggs.

Pheromon traps. This method is quite common, but it is not suitable for private sites. In addition, it helps only reduce the number of coroes. On several seals, there are special traps where all the pests are flying. These trees will die. After settling, the beetles are cut down (along with the surrounding firs) and destroy. Alternatively, you can use antiformon. They repel koroedov from concrete trees. But this method has its own minuses. The antiformon acts only on one type of beetles, in contrast to insecticides.

Stem injections. This method is used to ensure that the insecticide is guaranteed to be under the bark of the tree. The protection effect will hold onto the year. In addition, the injections practically do not harm the ecosystem, in contrast to the classical use of insecticides. The disadvantage of this method is high cost, but should make a discount on the fact that protection time will be longer.

Protection of trees from the attack. To prevent the attack by pests, regularly perform a complex of simple events. Support trees in good condition: produce watering on time, remove the garbage, remove dry and infected plants, cloud the stumps, regularly strengthen the immunity of trees, from time to time apply the above-described protection methods.

It is impossible to guarantee the survival of pine after settling stem pests. It is much easier to prevent the opportunity to attack than to restore the already affected tree. With timely use of protective facilities, we can talk about full protection of conifers, even if there are foci in the district.

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