How to get rid of the wire

How to get rid of the wire

The wire is the pest, which is powered by potatoes, beet and other root crops and crop crops in many areas. This is a voracious larva of the beetle-clutch capable of damaging the young shoots of many cultures: sunflower, grapes. The fight against the wire should be carried out competently and systematically. On how to protect your crop from the wires will be discussed below.

What a wire looks like

Wire - yellowish elongated larvae (10-45 mm) with rigid, as if lacquered, cover. There are also dark brown pests. The whole body consists of 13 segments and three pairs of well-developed legs.
You can meet in spring and autumn. In the summer, especially in the midst of heat, avoiding soil dryness, the larvae can hide in the ground at a depth of 30 cm.

Preventive MEASS from the Wire

If the wire has not yet reached the site, it is worth considering that in the future it does not happen and take some measures:

  • Alternating planting crops.
  • Near the favorites for the larvae of potatoes, carrots and beets to plant legumes.
  • Conduct every 3 years lime.
  • Regularly spinning, destroying especially Favorite Lichki weeds: drinking and Ivan tea.

In the first case, the beetle will be hungry, as it does not like changing the diet. In the second - the beans and peas for this larvae are generally inedible and capable of scarying it. The tops must be removed and burned after each cleaning.


Welfare Wrestling Methods

So, the larva still discovered himself and began to actively act. How to be? The following measures can be taken:

  • The soil looser.
  • Drying with chemicals.
  • Spraying and etching herbal infusions.
  • Making Selitra.
  • Landing and sowing frightening cereals and cultures.
  • Seed treatment before planting in spring.
  • Bait.

Now let's stop at each way in more detail.


A good way to control wireworm considered loosening the soil. After the digging killed most of the pest. Spending loosening is required at least three times. It is desirable that it was deep enough. Potato requires a depth of not less than 15 cm.

etching himpreparatov

  • Etching is carried out in the wells. It is recommended to use a solution of manganese on the bucket 1 is dissolved in 10 l of 5 Of the industrial production of drugs prohibited by many, especially those that are in demand in Soviet times. Today remained "Baduzina" and "Provotoksa". Unfortunately, they are very poisonous and it is necessary to use very carefully.
  • For effective methods of struggle, and also include the introduction of ammonium nitrate. Potatoes spilling it at the end of the second week after planting and again - in a month. Make good use of it after the above means.
  • Adding plowing in the autumn when the garden potassium chloride also kills the beetle.

Spraying and etching herbal infusions

Over time, most pests accustomed to poisons, and wireworms are no exception. Experienced gardeners prepare special infusions of herbs to combat the larvae. This may be nettle infusion - pound of weight of grass per 10 liters or infusion dandelion, 200 g per 10 liters. Shed site once a week. Buckets of this mixture sufficient for 20 wells potatoes.

Plantation crops and crop repellent

Despite the complexity of this method of struggle, they are increasingly used by gardeners. During the 14 days before the procedure plot planted with oats or barley scheme at a distance of 70 cm from each other by 10 grains. Emerging seedlings are removed from the site and burned.
A simpler way - is sowing after harvesting autumn mustard seeds. Pull the seedlings do not need. They plowed in the fall.

Live bait!

During the growth of root crops is good to use distracting lure. It can be carrots, beets or kartoshinu with distant eyes. Prepared baits impale on sticks thinner and have the garden beds, ran across them every 10 cm. Bait is destroyed along with the pests A few days later, while hunting for a striker continues, and so several times.

You can also use a variety of containers: cans, plastic cups. Bury them between rows and cast to wet pieces of bait. Bugs, horrible, no longer able to get out. Such hunting can be carried out throughout the season until the autumn.

seed treatment

So that the planting material has not become another delicacy for the wireman, it is better to process it in the spring. Seeds of carrots and beets are soaked in regent. The dose of the drug is taken for a solution for 3 liters. Pour seeds for 2 hours, and then plant.

So, methods for the destruction of the wire for today there is quite a lot. If you use at least some of them, then over time, such a harmful larva of the beetle-clutch will forever disappear from your site, and the crop will be healthy and rich.

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