How to deal with a wiretop

How to deal with a wiretop

The larvae-shortcuts, which are annoyed by gloomy, damaging potato tubers, dahlias, carrot roots, beets, radishes are called wires. The pest is developing in the soil for 3-5 years, its size is not more than 4.5 cm, the color from light-brown (it all depends on the age of the larvae). The wire makes a serious harm to the seeds of plants, their seedlings, roots, underground part of the stem, tubers and root. How to deal with a wiretop? Every question is facing in its land plot of roots.

Ways to combat these larvae exist gentle (agrotechnical) and chemical. It is strictly not recommended to resort to the use of pesticides if you have a small land plot. But when the population is so high that the techniques "without chemistry" did not give any results - it is advisable to use a diazine or any other insecticide, toxic contact-intestinal action. The usual dosage is 40 g / sq. M. Consider that in the site where toxic insecticide was used, it would be impossible to grow edible cultures in the near future.

The benefits for your site will be more from simple and no less effective (than chemicals) methods of combating a wiretop. The most important reception is a regular autumn deep (20-25 cm) of the soil repack, during which it is necessary to carefully choose the larvae and weeds (especially the favorite delicacy of the pest - dusty rhizoma). During the whole garden season, regularly loose the soil, do not allow high density and density of crops. After weeding the site, do not leave vegetable garbage on it.

Conduct an annual crop rotation, alternating landing sites of root plants with plants that scare the pest. At the last place of planting potatoes or carrots disembark legumes. By this you will achieve several positive:

  • echult the soil, enrich it ecologically and biologically pure nitrogen;
  • we score all the soil inhabitants who are the first year on this plot of land (the digestive system of pests is not yet adapted to a new appearance of food, and this will lead to the death of their large number).

During the spring planting of cultures, good results give folk methods to combat larvae-oglkunov zhukov:

  • In every well-prepared hole, throw a little onion husk or mustard powder.
  • Water the prepared wells for landing with a solution of manganese. Please note that using this method on acidic soils is categorically impossible.
  • Over the entire area, spread a fragmented shell from chicken eggs.
  • Before boarding the tubers of culture in a solution of Celandine (think about the appropriateness of the use of this method to potatoes, as the cleanliness of poisonous).
  • Space in the branches of the velvet, you will not only decorate your site with simple and bright colors, but also feed the pest to his beloved and very poisonous delicacy.

The wire prefers acidic soils, so in the autumn, all those substances that are able to reduce its acidity in it are preferred. Use dolomite flour, lime, ashes, chalk, cement dust. Dosage pick individually, pushing out of the degree of soil desalination.

On small sites, make traps that will help significantly reduce the livestock larvae:

  • Cut potato tubers, carrots or beets, jump down down in the aisle to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  • Mark this place, stuck a twist or any other pointer.
  • Drop a few days a bait and destroy the whole "catch".

Applying sparing methods of combating a wireman, prepare for the fact that you will not see instantly record results. A fight with this pest is crowned with success if all agrotechnical and mechanical ways of getting rid of it will be carried out regularly, on time and not allowing the started state of the site.

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