How to deal with a bear

How to deal with a bear

The Medveda (in common - Kapoolenka) is an unborn dangerous pest, which is able to destroy the entire harvest in a few days. How to deal with the bear, in case of its appearance on the household site? We offer learn a variety of techniques for solving this trouble.

Fighting Medvedo - Ways to protect and scare

As you know, it is easier to warn the emergence of the problem than then solving its consequences. This statement also applies to the polar, especially since the insect is able to quickly adapt to new conditions, which makes it much difficult for its destruction. Methods of scareware will save the soil structure (you will not be used to use chemicals), will not hit the family budget, scaled the pest and contribute to its rebuke.

Plants to help

Hang up on the velvet sector. The pest never transfers the smell of this flower, he will try not to approach your territory. Another positive moment of this method - you decorate your site.


Onion infusion

To do this, you need to prepare onion infusion. 1 kg of onion husks pour into a bucket with water. Insist within a week. After - dilute with water (1: 5) and simply water your area with an interval of 4-7 days. The Medveda does not want to dwell on your site, and if before it settles on it - it will take completely.


Faced with Medveda - Folk Methods

When this unborn guest appeared on your site, try using folk ways to destroy.

Caring for soil

The easiest and most effective method of combating kapustyanka is the frequent loosening of the soil on the site. Thanks to unacceptrons, you will most likely destroy the pest hiding in the aisle, and destroy the nest with eggs and larvae.


  • In the late autumn, dig 50x50 cm. Fill in with a stubborn and pretty compact. The Medveda in search of a place for wintering will choose a warm cozy hole that you have prepared. With the occurrence of frosts, scatter all the manure through the garden, the pest will perish.
  • In the spring, upon the occurrence of sustainable warm days, before planting plants, try to catch the cappustyanka with the help of half-liter cans filled with water (you can use honey, compote or beer, the smell of which is very attractive for the pest). Discover the containers in the arses. The pest "will not pass by."

Turning fish

This method is not quite pleasant smelling, but when the question arises about the feasibility of its use and the final result - the decision will definitely be for the use of it. Swipe fish split into small pieces. When planting plants, put on a small "nice smelling" part into each well. The unpleasant smell will scare the polar, and the missing fish will be a good fertilizer for the younger seedlings.

Coniferous plants

Experienced summer residents argue that Kapoolenka does not tolerate coniferous aroma. Aisle on the site to inspire cheese. So you will cope with two problems: the Medveda and the need for frequent irrigation.


Saving plantations from the capewing invasion will help chopped egg shell mixed with sunflower oil. Soak such a mixture in the aisle at a depth of 2-5 cm. The Medveda will eat such a bait and dying.

How to deal with the Medveda - radical destruction

The market is filled with all sorts of chemicals, advertising which states that each of these means will help you cope with the pest. The best, proven over the years, the means are considered to be prestige 290 FS, Thunder, Aktar 25 WG, Fenoxin Plus, Medvegon and Medvedks-y.

What methods to fight the bear choose only to you. Definitely, at the very beginning, only folk methods are trying. If you still prone to more radical pest control measures, do not forget about caution and accurate consequences of instructions for use.

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Antonina Vasilyevna 03/03/2017 at 2:57.

The velvets landed - nothing helped. Only recently learned that it was necessary to sprinkle the earth dried and crawled flowers. But I unexpectedly helped the Merchabler Sititek, although they put it from the moles, not the bear.


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