Shielding on indoor plants - how to deal

Shielding on indoor plants - how to deal

The shield is a pest that lives on the leaves, shoots and pets of home plants. The insect has a dense upper coating that has a similarity with a turtle sheath. If you discovered the pest on your favorite plant, hurry up with a speedy deliverance from it, otherwise, soon the shield will spread to the rest of the blossoms.

Plant Shield

The insect refers to the group of pseudocycid. The shield is very similar to the flagger, to effectively combat the pest, it is necessary to determine exactly which group inhabits you on plants. To determine the type of insect, try to remove the shell - at the shield, it is separated from the body surface with an easy press, and the flapping itself it is the component of the Taurus.

  • The insect got its name due to the shield, which is fully located on the top of the body.
  • The magnitude of the shields is small - about 5-6 mm in length, but everyone can notice them, despite the small size.
  • The reproduction of these individuals occurs in this way - females separate the eggs and protect them with their body before the formation of larvae. Next, the embryos migrate on a stalk of the plant until they are attached. Then they are fixed and covered with a protective shell.
  • The life of life - females live about 4 months, and males die after mating in 2 days.
  • The larvae and mature individuals feed on the juice of the plant, taking all the nutrients from him. As a result, the plant begins to fade, the leaves are yellow and fall. If during the non-take action, the plant may die.

Shielding on indoor plants - how to deal

Fighting with the shield and its glittering comrades can be the same methods. Check out the short instruction:

  • Spend a thorough inspection of an infected plant with a magnifying glass. The individuals most often live in leafy sinuses, hollows of the main trunk, with the outer and back side of the leaves. Affected plant leaves assemble and burn. If the insect was injured only one plant, separate it in a separate place and start the treatment.
  • The habitat of the plant and the flower pot is treated with soap solution or insecticide.
  • To remove insects, prepare garlic solution - scatter 4 cloves of garlic and fill with warm water, insist about 5 hours in a warm place. After that, turn the cotton wand in the mixture obtained and remove insects. The same medicine wipe the leaves and shoots.
  • Many gardeners use a cardinal method for removing parasites - carry out the processing of affected areas with vodka or kerassin. This method is very effective in the fight against insects, but may cause burns and the death of the indoor plant.
  • To carefully remove insects, take a toothbrush in the helpers - prepare a solution from the rubbish economic soap and remove the larvae and eggs by backing the movement. After that, let the plant completely dry and spray the protected solution, capturing the soil. To destroy all individuals, gardeners are recommended to bite the plant after spraying with a polyethylene bag for 40 minutes.

Shielding on indoor plants - types of insecticides

To fully eliminate insects, it is recommended to use insecticides. Treatment of plants in a ventilated room, try to have small children and animals to be near - chemicals are very toxic and can cause poisoning. The following chemical preparations are widely used:

  • Aktellik - insectoacaricide, has a penetrating effect into the respiratory tract and the intestinal tract of insects, blocking the life of the organs. The drug is produced in ampoules and bottles, it is necessary to breed 1 ampoule in 1 liter of water. The consumption of the drug is 2 liters per 10 square meters.
  • Aktara - insecticide penetrates inside the pest together with the plant juice into the digestive system. After 1 day, the insect dies. Actara is produced by granules that can be breeding for soil processing and spraying plants. For the preparation of the solution, spread 4 grams bag in 5 liters of water.
  • Fosbecide is an insecticidal chemical preparation. Produced in ampoules and canisters, 20 ml of the drug is divorced in 10 liters of water, after which spraying is carried out. If the pest is inserted to the surface, it penetrates through the fabric and spreads the poison throughout the body, after which the insect dies.

Treatment with drugs spend every three days during the week. After 3-4 days from the moment of the last treatment, thoroughly rinse with water all the elements of the plant, from the remnant of drugs and the remains of insects.

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