The cultivation of each vegetable culture has a number of subtleties. To get a plentiful harvest, it is not enough to sow seeds, you have to make a lot of effort. One of the most demanding crops is a tomato to ensure the rapid growth and ripening of fruits, it is necessary to carry out steaming and garter of plants from time to time.
Why tapping tomatoes? There are several reasons who are talking about the benefits of tapping:
slugs and other insects live in the soil, which can spoil the fruits lying on the ground;
saving space in a greenhouse;
lack of fruit rotting when water from watering on them;
the possibility of infection with phytoofluorosis vegetables, whose pathogen is in the soil.
To tapping, you need to take support, it can be wooden pegs or metal rods. You will also need the twine and fabric ribbons that will contact the plant with a stalk. Do not touch tomatoes with a fishing line or rope, they can crawl into the stem and violate the growth of seedlings. Professionals who grow tomatoes for sale can purchase a special garter or disposable plastic locks. If you use old stockings or golfs for garter, be sure to post them with a shopping soap or hide with boiling water. It will destroy the pathogens of many diseases that can be on old garter materials.
Cathedral cultures can be tied to reinforcement or wooden pegs. Their height should be 30-35 cm above the plant. It is for such a height of a support that is clogged into the ground. Tall cultures or plants with very large fruits can fall along with supports. For their garter, it is better to use trellis. To make such a simple design, it is necessary to drive a high metal rod at a distance of 1 m from each other. After that, fasten the rope on the supports with a step of 30 cm. As the tomatoes grows, the stem will need to be transferred to one, then on the other side. It turns out a kind of braid from plants.
With the helper, it is possible a little otherwise to encourage tomatoes. Wake the supports and pull the wire at the very top. Now one end of the wide ribbon tie to the stalk, and the second edge is to the rope that is stretched on the supports. The advantages of this method are that there is no need to tie ribbon, it is enough just to wrap the growing stalk around the tape. Heavy brushes with fruits also need to be taped. Do not allow the harvest to lay on Earth, it can start rotting. This method of garter is called linear and is used in the cultivation of tall cultures with small fruits.
The garter must be carried out after the tomatoes will grow slightly. If you see that the stalk of the plant began to tear down to the ground, tie a plant. This will help avoid culture deformation and get a good harvest. If after the garter you noticed that new shoots grow from the roots, be sure to remove them, it is impossible to allow plant thickening, it helps to reduce the amount of fruits.
Do not regret your own time and build a tag. Such structures allow you to collect an excellent harvest even in a greenhouse with a small area.
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