How to tapping grapes in the spring

How to tapping grapes in the spring

Despite the fact that grapes - the plant is rather unpretentious, for the sake of obtaining a truly good harvest, the owner will have to work. Timely trimming and binding have a decisive role in this.

To do everything right, it is not enough to just give the grapes to the support. He can find it by chance, but will stretch up, to the sun, branching absolutely chaotic. Therefore, the gardener is obliged to send a plant by the path that is most profitable, facilitates harvesting and guarantees high quality berries. In addition, it will give a garter of vines:

  • a sufficient amount of light for development and maturation;
  • compact crown and rational use of the Earth;
  • the best conditions for the growth and prevention of diseases;
  • protection against wind gusts, the ability to better resist bad weather;
  • convenience in caring and processing beds;
  • uniform branching, renal development;
  • reducing the risk of damage to shoots.

Grapes are tied up in the spring, in autumn or immediately in both of these periods, if there is a need. In the first case, the procedure is carried out as soon as warming up, and a protective winter coating can be removed from the vine. It is important to make a border before the kidney will be waged on the vine. This is done in order to subsequently not damage them. It is also better to remove all weak, patients or disturbed shoots.

The main trick in the trimming of grapes is as follows: it is not necessary to tie it up vertically, but horizontally, that is, along and a lobby on the wire. Bending to her shoots very neatly, since even an adult plant is fragile enough. When young green "branches" stretch to 40-50 cm. We have to repeat the process, now already adopting them vertically. It will not give the grapes to be dusty to intertwine, will allow it to be effectively polluted, and the bunches are located in the most affordable places.

Fasten the grapes on the support is better than mild, for example, old rags, special ribbons or even by kapron tights. In the first year of life, a young plant costs without garter. He is sufficiently solid pall for support. In the second or third years, it is necessary to build a construction called "Slear". It usually consists of vertical columns horizontally connected with wire or cords. The distance between the two-dimensional columns should not exceed 3 meters. The rows of wire are suspended no more dense than 40 cm from each other, that is, in 3-4 rows a maximum.

Grapes may not be taped at all - there is a special design for this. It is a pillar with two boiled corners. In this case, the vine is simply thrown through the corner. For the first year, it is only necessary to spend the run freely to cling to the support and stretch up at about a meter. If everything went well, it will be necessary to cut down by autumn, leaving up to 6 kidneys - future shoots. For the second year, the care process is repeated, but they leave upstairs 2 kidneys at the top. They will stretch into two lateral escapes.

We conclude - the grapes are not difficult at all. But for 2-3 years you have a healthy, fertile vineyard with excellent taste and huge perspectives in the household site.

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