How to hide grapes

How to hide grapes

Grapes are the beloved Berry of Italians, because it is from her to produce wine. In our country, grapes are also very loved, as it allows you to prepare a delicious black drink, juice or just enjoy the taste of sweet berries. Winter is cold enough, so to ensure the safety of the vine, you need to know how to cover the grapes. We will tell about it.

Before the shelter of the vine, you must remove the screens from the chopper and cut all thin branches. Leave only fat shoots, do not forget to remove the residues of the leaves. Dry lians treat with a copper sulfate solution. This will protect the plants from insects. After that, see the scourge in the ball and fold them into the recess. Remember, if the temperature in your region falls below _25 ° C, then even frost-resistant varieties should be stolen. In warm winters, frost-resistant plants can not be covered.

How to hide grapes

In no case leave the lianas in a vertical position. It makes no sense to drag them with tissue and film, since the ambient temperature and inside the vine will be the same. It is necessary to prepare a plant and pin it to Earth. After that, pour a little wet earth from above. Do not take sorate from under the bush, it is with a root system and will contribute to its freezing.

How to hide grapes

In the regions with a snowy winter grapes, it is necessary to plant a depth of 50 cm in the trenches. In the fall, the vine is prepared and flex to the ground. After the blizzard, the trenches are filled with snow, which prevents the freezing of the wield and roots.

If in your region the cold winters alternate with warm, build air-dry shelters. They are a frame covering the heat insulating material. The basis can be made of metal rods or wooden boxes, which are covered with foam rubber or rubberoid. If the material flows, do not forget the entire design to cover with a plastic film.

How to hide grapes

Remember, planting grapes is only necessary on the elevation. In places where water is constantly accumulated, the vine is often dying due to the freezing of the weaves. If you are not lucky with the site and the area of \u200b\u200bthe vineyards is very large, then it is expensive to produce air-dry shelters and long. In this case, it is best to cover the grapes by the method of emphasis. To do this, prepare a vine and treat it with a weak solution of manganese or copper mood. After that, pinch her to the ground and suck dry ground.

How to hide grapes

It is very difficult to care for grapes in areas with hindered cold winters. In this case, the vines must be covered with sawdust bags and isolate the shelter film. To keep the roots, sprinkle them with the earth and sweetheart.

How to hide grapes

In any way of shelter, you need to leave the side slots so that the air is circulated inside. You can hide the vine in a different way. To do this, put a few BRUSEV to the ground, and put the boards on top. After that, roll the vine in the rings and place on the flooring. Be sure to remove the grass and leaves, they contribute to the rotting of Lian. Cover their layer of fabric and leave so much. In no case do not lay the lianas on the ground, when a collision of warm and cold air masses is formed condensate, which contributes to the formation of mold.

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