How grows grapes

How grows grapes

Extreme conditions for south berries –  not interference! Amateur grapes will be able grow on sore plot. or v apartment. grape lose and receive good harvest already on second year after landing!

1) How grapes grow

Grapethis is multi-year berry bush, reaching v height from 15 before 40.m.. It has branchy stem, which the sO time acquires wood, reaching before 0,7.m. v diameter. From stem develop long vines, breasta and foliage. Clinging warms per anyone support, stretches up. Grape -notwhimsical plant and adapts even to himself heavy climate Russia. Stall tolerate defeat grad, restores after harsh winter and easily tolerate autumnspring trimming. Grape is an teploud plant., but process photosynthesis not stops even at temperature25 degrees. Fruit berry shrub possess integer clades vitamins:

  • Phosphorus.
  • Vitamins B., Pp., C., P.
  • Copper.
  • Iron.
  • Zinc.
  • Folic acid.
  • Silicon.

2) How grows grapes - growing

Breed grape can two methods: vegetativeno and seeds. N.a sore window sill can full grow seedling grapes, spring peresadiv his from tight gorbochka v cooked a place for growing. N.o follow have in view, what at reproduction seeds, some sorta grapes change their quality v worse side.

  • Seeds for landing select from perezrevsky ground grapes, bones which have darkbrown colour.
  • Most cent large seeds with tolstoy sheath.

Vegetative way reproduction culture implies 2 methodcherenca and digging. At reproduction cherenca  landing material prepare with autumn, store cherenci v cool place. V beginning martha their sit down v plastic glasses and grown before appearance young georgovkov. At reproduction digging choose most strong the escape and root v prepared lunka., located v 20 cm from maternal bush. Watering and dipping v flow total season, transplant recommended only on next spring. Reproduction digging counts more successful fashion exit grapes at which succeed save all flavoring quality maternal bush.

3) How grows grapes in the apartment - what you need to know

Grow grape v apartment. comfortable and beautiful, except of this you get possibility collect harvest 2 times v year! Most the best a place for grapesthis is windowsill with sunny parties at home. For cultivation grapes  apartment.:

  • Prepare box for landing cherenkov size 10x12x12. cm.
  • On bottom drawer squeeze river sand layer v 2 cm, which the will serve excellent drainage.
  • Over flood humus and fertile soil 50/50, add 50 g  mineral fertilizer.
  • WITH onset warm weather, caught up trenok you wear on balcony or v garden, enveloping v room at freezes.
  • Already to autumn on sedna formed exchange with 1520 nodes, which the on next spring start fruit. Closer to winter grape resets foliage and requires recreation, duration about three months. On this is time remove plant v cool a place (+2, +8 degrees).
  • Each year produce transplant grapes with preservation earthman coma v box on 1015 cm deeper ordinary. Trimming plants produced after recharge leavesRemove from fruiting  escapes  before 8 gaskov.

4) How grows grapes on the plot

At select plot. for grapes, give preference nearby with buildings with south parties. V light time sOUTON plant. will warmly and light, a at night heated surface from sun. will provide grape additional warmth, contributing mature ripe berry earlier time. Landing pit for grape sedna prepare with autumn:

  • Prepare pit depth 7080 cm  and width about 60 cm.
  • Bottom necessary fall asleep kolotim brick or pebat, height about 25 cm.
  • Prepare soil from calculation 1:1:1, consisting from river sand, clay and fertile soil.
  • Soil necessary mix with phosphorus fertilizers and fall asleep on 20 cm v planting a place.
  • Latest layer squeeze oK overworked manure and fill bucket hot water.
  • After landing warm down plant and pights water.

For formation beautiful forms put nearby with shrub support and secure nearby with her lose. Trimming produced spring –  for heost side skeley remove unnecessary easy above and when plump topshka. Subcord make spring before blossoms and at ripening berry. On winter grape harrow film, a root system sprinkle sawdust or peat.

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