How litter grows

How litter grows

Lychee is a tropical fruit that can be bought in the store or grow alone from the bone. In nature, the lychee grows mainly in countries with a subtropical climate, but today it is successfully bred even in places where the climate is radically different from the subtropical. For this, the plants are seated in wet and well-heated greenhouses.

How grows lychee in nature

The very best Lychee is the one who is grown in the Chinese provinces of Fujian and Guangdong. The proximity of the sea on one side and the presence of rivers on the other hand create optimal conditions for the fruiting of the village of lychee. In addition to China, this fruit is found in India, Pakistan, Burma, Taiwan, in Hawaii.

The lychee tree grows very splashing and with a dense green mass of foliage. Its height sometimes reaches even 30 m, but such copies in nature are quite rare. Usually, the crown of trees grown in special gardens does not happen above 10 -15 m. Lychee flowers with unspecified white or yellowish flowers resembling umbrellas. The umbrellas are collected into large oblong inflorescences up to 60-70 cm long. From a huge mass of the flowers of one inflorescence to the stage of the ridden fetus, there are only 10-20 pieces., I.e. The berries on each cluster is tied and matures quite a bit. But thanks to the huge number of covers on the same tree, it seems to be covered with bright red fruits.

How the lychee grows - berries

Lichk berries have a dense red, orange red-orange pupil shell - it is inedible. Inside the shell is a tender white flesh, resembling the flesh of white grapes, but more dense. Taste of lychee sweet and a little tart. Some varieties have a pronounced wine taste, some are more neutral. Inside the pulp at Lichy there is a rather large bone, which can be placed in a pot.

How grows lychee in the apartment

In greenhouse farms, the lychee tree is breeding with cuttings, so it appears fruit with sufficient care. At home, it is possible to grow from the bone. This plant can be possible only in decorative purposes, i.e. Fruits will not be on it. However, if you have ripe lychers, leave it a bone and try to grow original green bushes.

In a small pot, pour drainage, and on it - a layer of light floral soil. Earth moisture well and put a bone on it. Put the bone of the ground - 1 cm thick. Blank the pot with polyethylene or piece of glass - be sure to leave the air access slot. Once a week, water the soil with water room temperature.

After 2-3 weeks, when a gentle sprout appears in a pot, remove the shelter. Keep a plant on a light warm window, but protect it from direct sunlight. When Lichi will grow 8-10 leaves, transfer it to a larger pot. Soil can also take one that is designed for room colors. As the bushes are growing, transplane the lychee into a larger pot. Make it can 1 times in a half - two years.

Care for an exotic plant is constant watering, spraying and maintaining in a constant temperature room at 22-25 degrees.

About lychee, grown from bone at home, you can learn from this video.

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