How peanuts grow

How peanuts grow

The second name of the peanut is the "earthy nut". It follows from this that peanuts ripens not like all other nuts, i.e. Above the surface of the soil, and in the ground. By the way, grow peanuts pretty easily at any dacha, but if you know all the secrets of the cultivation of this culture.

How peanuts grow in bed

After planting peanuts to the ground and under favorable conditions, the grains germinate and ordinary small bushes appear above the ground. Over time, yellow flowers are blooming on the stem, of which pods on long flexible tails are formed. These pods gradually fall out and lower and turn out to be on Earth. Next, pods are immersed in the ground. In order for this process to accelerate, the land of the Earth is poured near the Kusta - this is called "enhancement". Pods turn out to be completely underground and already in the dark and small humidity there are their complete maturation. Peanut nuts are inside these most pods. In one pod they can be from 1 to 3 pieces.

How peanuts grow - temperature regime

Peanuts - Culture is thermal-loving. It makes sense only in southern regions or medium. But in the second case, if the air temperature is below 20 degrees, the beds will have to be covered with a loan or other similar material. Also, the earthen walnut can be grown in greenhouses.

How peanuts grows - humidity

Peanut is rather unpretentious and withstands even a strong drought. But to increase its yield, it is necessary to water it. Regular watering is needed while peanuts begins to attach to its bloom and tying. Next, as the pods are lowered to the ground, watering can be reduced. After extracting, when the pods are completely underground, it is necessary to water the bushes only with very dry soil. But it is not worth overgrowing that the pods under the ground have not started to rotate.

How to grow peanuts - when and how to plant

A good fertile land (chernozem or loam) is suitable for peanuts - well explosion and freed from weeds and their roots. Grokes need to be planned in a sunny place. Planting scheme: 15-20 cm - between individual bushes, 50-60 cm - between adjacent rows. Peanut grains must be opened to the ground by 3-4 cm. It is possible to plant peanuts on the garden during when the average daily temperature will reach 15 degrees of heat. In order to increase the yield, in April, it is necessary to plant peanuts in special cups for seedlings, and then transfer it to open ground.

How peanuts grow - plant care

Like any other garden culture, peanuts requires soil looser, weed removal and watering. After emphasising bushes, the loosening is carried out very carefully, so as not to damage the pods in the ground. Globalization is made several times per season, as new pods are increasing and lowering.

How peanuts grow - harvest time

Peanuts digs out of the ground in the same way as the usual potato. It is necessary to do it after the bushes are almost completely dried. In the southern regions - this mid-September, in the middle - the end of September. Dugged bushes together with roots and pods are placed in a dry place for drying. Days after 10 must be separated from the roots of dry pods and remove the grains from them.

For sure to get a good harvest, peanuts are better to plant the one that is grown in the same climatic zone. Imported, which is sold in the market or in the store may not give a large amount of fruits. And, of course, do not forget that it is necessary to plant in the ground with raw, i.e. Not roasted peanuts.

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