How to squeeze strawberry ussa in August

How to squeeze strawberry ussa in August

Strawberry (garden strawberry) The most restless garden culture requiring constant attention and care. Delicious and fragrant berry can not grow in one place for more than 3-4 years in a row, it is constantly necessary to transplant, multiply and evolve. The easiest way to rejuvenate the culture is to send a mustache. Learn all the tricks and secrets of gardeners to get a fragrant harvest every year!

How to plant strawberries in August - we take a good landing material

The abundance of the crop and the number of mustows in the future depends on the correct selection of the planting material in the future. During the fruiting, tick the good bushes, where there were a lot of berries, it is from them to take seedlings.

A strawberry bush consists of female and male outlets. The male part of the plant gives powerful mustache, and berries brings very little. The female part on the contrary - plentifully fruit during the season, the release of the mustache at the end of the summer. Choose the biggest bush, the mustache must select beautiful and strong - with one female outlet. How to distinguish the male part of female?

  • For example, consider the photo shown below. When the bush grows, it is formed by several sockets. Where there was a bloomer and berries, this part is considered a female - women's outlet (in the photo the right side). The left side in the photo did not give fruiting and is considered a male part of the bush, there is also a lot of mustache from it.
  • Many in habit take your habit and select the mustache from the male part of the bush, as a result, they get a little harvest from planted plants. The female part gives the mustache a little later. A little waiting, you will get an excellent boarding material.

How to plant strawberries in August - rooting mustache

From one big bush of Sadovaya Victoria take no more than 3-4 mustache for that? So that the plant is not exhausted. In order not to get confused in the desired selection of the material - the seedlings that will remain on the same bed where the uterine bush grows, rooted to the center. To transplanting a mustache on another ridge, secure them along the side.

  • Choose a mustache with one outlet, explicate too much.
  • Place the stem in a small deepening of the soil, then sprinkle. Important - Do not deepen the roots, mulch the plants solely. Provide abundant watering flares.
  • After 10-14 days, powerful roots are formed on the landing material, which will exceed the transplant.
  • If the strawberry grows on a black mulching material - in plastic cups or small pots, pour good fertile land, position the container next to the bush and also climb the plant's stem.

How to plant strawberries in August - Cooking the soil

The best time to disemboditate the planting material is the end of August. Place for growing strawberries Choose solar, preferably with a slight slope of 1-2 degrees. To lay a new garden, clean the soil from garbage, weeds and the remainder of old fruiting plants. Redoad the soil at 2 bayonet shovel or cultivator.

  • 3-4 days before the landing, we turn the soil with 2 water waters diluted with phytoosporin, at the rate of 5 g of powder for 10 liters of water.
  • Sprinkle the soil ashes, it will take about 5-6 glasses on a small bed. Supporting this fertilizer will provide a plant abundant growth and flowering.
  • To help the root system to strengthen the root system and gain strength until winter - plug off the third layer of superphosphate in the dosage of 80-100 g / m2.
  • Last layer Sill 4-5 hockery buckets.

How to squeeze strawberry ussa in August

By August, the garden should look thickened, which denotes the transformation of rooted mustache into independent bushes, ready to reset the permanent place. You can start off the plant, it is desirable to choose a cloudy day for these purposes.

  • Capture the uterine mustache, sink the pot and align the place on the garden. Some plants are already starting to grow independent mustache, they must be removed.
  • In order to dig a seedling rooted into the ground, use two garden blades. On both sides of the root system, stick the tool with the edge in the bottom and loosening movements push the roots of the strawberry outward.

  • Drop the hole, paint with plenty of water and plant a plant. Special attention is paid to the height point of the bush, it should rise by 1-2 cm above the surface of the Earth. Blowing leads to peating, and with high landing, the bare roots can freeze or dry.

  • Placed bushes by water, paying particular attention to the wetting of the leaves. To protect young plants from winter temperatures, it is advisable to climb the bed. The mulch is best suited than straw. If there is no natural material available, you can use bevelled grass, moss, chips or sawdust.

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