How to care for pepper

How to care for pepper

So that sweet and bitter peppers please you with their harvest, you need to care for him. This culture is quite capricious, so first put a small bed and learn all the hectares of growing peppers. Having mastered the main methods of plant care, the next year sat down a lot of pepper - it is very useful and tasty. And from the pepper, beautiful winter blanks are obtained.

How to care for pepper - planting seedlings

The cultivation of pepper begins with planting seedlings into open ground. Before it should be decided on predecessors, i.e. The plants that grew on the garden last year. Pepper will be well developed and fron after zucchini, beans, cabbage, cucumbers, onions, carrots. In the fall, it is recommended to lay a little overwhelmed compost (1 bucket of 1 sq.m) and add phosphate and potash fertilizers (read the dosage on the package). For the winter, the garden is well reappeted, but do not break the housekeeper. In the spring, when melting snow, they will independently disperse. 2-3 days before the seedlings of the seedlings burst the ground to a depth of 15-20 cm.

Space the pepper with rows - keep the distance between them 25-30 cm. The same distance also live between individual bushes in the row. Seedlings when planning in the ground do not block - it should be at the same height, as grew in cups or boxes.

Immediately after disembarking, each bush brighten with warm water (20-22 degrees) and climb the soil.

How to care for pepper - watering

  • Pepper - South culture. He pretty well tolerate drought, but at the same time its fruits do not fit and grow thin-walled. To prevent this, water the pepper as the soil drying. Watering produce 2 times a week. So that the moisture does not evaporate, after the water soul, the land mulch the beveled herb or overworked compost.
  • Water the pepper only with warm water. To do this, pre-fill the barrel and keep it on a sunny place. When watering vegetable culture with cold water, the pepper will develop badly.
  • Pepper loves watering her herbs. Such watering at the same time moisturizes the soil and feed the plants. For influx, fill a large bucket of bevelled grass or torn weeds. The grass is a little accumulate and make a bucket to the top of the water. Close the lid bucket and put it in the half. After 10 days, strain the infusion and spread it with warm water from the barrel. Observe the concentration of 1/10 (1 part of the infusion / 10 parts of water). I wiping homemade fertilizer 1 time per week.
  • After the pepper begins to ripe it massively, reduce it with watering up to 1 time per week. If after harvesting on bushes you will see new flowers, resume more frequent watering. With a favorable weather at the end of summer, young fruits can get rid of bushes, although they can hardly have time to grow. This little pepper in salads will not be suitable, but it is possible to make seasonings from it.

How to care for peppers - soil looser and weed removal

So that the pepper develops well, its roots require oxygen. This is usually achieved by frequent soil loosening near plants, but for pepper it is necessary to do it very carefully. The fact is that the pepper has a surface root system and during the processing of the Earth with ordinary hoe, the roots can be damaged. For loosening, use a small tool with three teeth. Try to loosen the soil not too often, but better use more mulching means - they protect the soil from drying and formation of an earthen crust.

Do not forget with beds with pepper to remove all weeds by their manual breaking. If you do it all the time, the Earth is due to the delicate of excess herbs will become loose. These same weeds, if they are removed before their flowering and ripening of seeds, can use as a mulch.

How to care for pepper - feeding

In addition to herbal feeding, which can be done constantly, pepper requires three-time mineral feeding. Most of all, vegetable culture needs nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. Buy any comprehensive fertilizer and adopt pepper at such times:

  • 1st time - 15 days after the seedling landing.
  • 2nd times - during the massive binding of fruits.
  • 3rd times - 20 days after the second feeding.

You can make upside down with mineral fertilizers and by watering under the root, and by spraying the leaves with diluted mortar. Instructions for breeding fertilizer in water, read on the packaging of the purchased tool.

Pepper pest control

Pepper, especially his young bushes, is subject to attack. It is possible to suspect its invasion by sluggish leaves, of which the thoughts sucks juices. In order not to miss this is a harmful insect, raise the leaves every 3-5 days and consider their lower part. If the word appeared, it is easy to wash off with soapy water or destroy with special insecticides - sold in garden shops.

Make soapwater from the Tly is very easy: 20 ml of liquid soap or dishwashing agents are in 1 liter of water. Fill a special container for spraying and treat bushes from below. After 2 hours, repeat the procedure, but already ordinary clean water.

How to care for pepper - protection from the strong sun and frost

Nor loves the pepper sun, but it is too active rays can harm the plants. In a very hot summer, cover the beds with pepper with a nonwoven material "Loutrasil". The same material, but more dense, use with early freezers when ripening fruits hang on the bushes. To do this, in the corners of the beds, install the stakes and pull the conditioned material on them.

Do not leave the ripened pepper on the bushes - immediately remove it. Extra fruits can be dismissed the plant and still green peppers will not hurt.

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