How buckwheat grows

How buckwheat grows

The hydrochlorization of buckwheat cereals occurred more than 5 thousand years ago, in the sunny country of India. To Russia, the thermo-loving plant went through the whole world, and only fell in the 7th century. His final name - buckwheat croup, came up with one of the versions of Slavs, due to its cultivation by Greek monks. To date, buckwheat deservedly love and respect each Russian family. But in many European countries, buckwheat is used only with strict diets and is discharged exclusively by recipes.

How buckwheat grows

Buckwheat is a very capricious plant that has a reprehensive green stem, reaching no more than 40 cm. Culture requires a certain thermal and water regime. Sowing starts in mid-May at a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. The first shoots are not forced to wait a long time and appear 14 days later. As ripening, triangular green leaves and pink-white flowers appear on a gentle stem.

How buckwheat grows - bloom

Buckwheat begins to grow actively 20 days after the emergence of the first germs. At this time, the plant needs a stable thermal temperature - not lower than +25 degrees. A sharp decline, and even more freezing, devastating for this culture and can lead to complete elimination of the harvest. Shades of inflorescence are hundreds - from purely white to bright.

How buckwheat grows - the place of cultivation

Special climatic conditions of Russia do not allow growing culture on open, dry places that are not protected from wind. In order to protect the gentle inflorescences and stalks from drafts, heavy rains and storms - the plant is grown only in the fields surrounded through the entire perimeter with thick forests. The root system also does not tolerate dry soil, therefore it is recommended to dry out the seeds near the reservoirs.

How buckwheat grows - care

Buckwheat cereals are considered an environmentally friendly product, since the plant categorically does not tolerate pesticides and conducting various gene experiments. Culture is positively responding to the introduction of natural nitrogen, phosphate and potash feeding. To increase the harvest, additionally, the farmer is installed around the buckwheat field - bee hives. Thanks to hardworking families, the crop increases to 60%. Buckwheat honey, obtained in the flowering process, is even more combining the "friendship" of buckwheat farmers and bees.

How buckwheat grows -

Flowers buckwheat admire their pristine beauty and uniqueness. Starting from the middle of the green stem, they begin to bloom one by one, forming a luxurious brushes with 5-6 flowers. One flower blooms only one day, after which it falls, and the whole brush continues to actively flaw on, for two months. As you can see, the flowering and maturation process is very stretched. In connection with this feature, the farmer does not wait for the ripening of all inflorescences and begin collecting when the lower grains fall and get dark brown rich color. People also found the green mass of the plant: healing infusions make leaves, and dried stems feed horned cattle.

At the end, it is possible to say complete confidence that all the products we receive from the buckwheat culture are exceptional gifts of nature!

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Ruslan Ruslanovich 18/11/2020 at 8:46.


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