How to grow freesia

How to grow freesia

You can grow a freesy in a parisader or at home. This process is divided into several stages. First, the bulbs germinate by 2-3 cm, and then they are planted into the ground. After that, the time comes to care for the plant. This is quite difficult, because the freesia is considered a capricious flower. But the use of the advice of our article will help her healthy and luxurious.

Before proceeding with the cultivation, pay attention to the choice of seedlings. Our article describes frequently used types among florists. Care recommendations are suitable for any freesia. Therefore, do not be afraid to put several different species nearby. In this case, your garden will find the most spectacular look.

An excellent decoration of your plot or window sill will be a hybrid freesia. It grows up to 1 m. It has different color: yellow, purple or crimson. Her fruits are either monophonic, or combine two colors immediately. Each of the varieties is inherent fragrant fragrance. If you like bright tones and many flowers, then the Ballerina variety will become an excellent solution. One inflorescence has about 10 colors, and its height can reach 30 cm.

Armstrong Freesia is dissolved from May to June. Its height is about 65 cm. It can be like a pink shade and red. Inflorescences are growing by panicles of 4-5 pieces. One of the most popular freresions of Armstrong is considered "Cardinal". It has a red color with a yellowish tint. Size - something mean between hybrid and broken freesia:

  • the length of the variety reaches 70 cm;
  • the number of flowers in the pancake - 8-10;
  • self-degree length - about 6 cm.

The opposite variant of the hybrid will be the bombed freesia. Its height is not more than 35 cm. Because of this, it is well suitable for growing in pots. Each inflorescence is "Breadless Kolos". A good choice will be the "Alba" grade. It has large white petals in combination with purple strokes. An interesting option is considered fragrant freesia - yellow with a brownish tint at the base. Her main dignity is the smell of Lrangess.

After selecting the plant, we will proceed to growing. There are general care requirements for any freesia variety:

  • For cultivation, loose soil with low acidity is suitable, preferably - saturated with peat.
  • If you try a narrow grade, then place plants closer to each other; Liberate varieties take more space.
  • Observe the temperature mode - not more than + 22ºС. It will ensure lush flowering; With cold or hot weather, you will get bad results.
  • Due to the thin stems of the broken freusion, it will be necessary to support.
  • Keep the room wet. Spray plants closer in the late afternoon, make sure that the water does not get straight on the flowers and buds.
  • It is impossible to allow drafts.


Sit down the plant into open ground after the last cold (in early May). Prepare a shovel and bulbs. Squeeze them by following the following recommendations:

  • the depth of planting bulbs is about 5 cm;
  • the more tubers, the greater the distance between them (3-5 cm);
  • between each nearby leave 15 cm;
  • after planting, protect the soil and roots from overheating, it is enough to sprinkle it for it.

There is an easy way to avoid parasites. To do this, before planting, the disinfection of the bulbs with a solution of manganese. In August, the first blooms will appear, and by October they bloom.

Freesy planting

So that the freesia is big and healthy, apply the following tips:

  • use fertilizers;
  • periodically break the soil;
  • during growth and flowering, make sure that the soil is wet;
  • freesia flowers about four weeks (after flowering watering the plant less often, and then stop it at all);
  • grow it in the open soil to the first cold.

You can raise the cutter on the windowsill. But a sunny day in winter is much shorter than a 12-hour summer. Therefore, you will need extra light. As a light source, incandescent lamps are suitable. Despite these difficulties, to care for the home flower is much easier than growing in the garden. Regularly water the soil and spray the plant, moisturizing the air. Also go for the benefit of fertilizer.

Use these tips and take care of the plant. As a result, your work will turn into fragrant flowers. They, in turn, give you a good mood and invaluable experience.

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