How to grow tulips by March 8

How to grow tulips by March 8

I wonder if it is possible to find a man in our country who grows his own tulips for her beloved? It's not about the colors on the beds that the husband was planted several years ago when he instructed him his wife. This question about tulips in pots on the window grown specifically by March 8. We hope that after reading this article carefully, many men will try to carry out a floral experiment. If they are strictly following the advice, their favorite will receive the most unusual and beautiful gift in the form of luxurious tulips.

How to grow tulips by March 8 - selection of planting material

If you have a cottage, then when digging tulips from the ground, choose the largest and strongest bulbs. Their size should be at least 3.5 cm. Dump the tulips in July, when the plants completely dried the leaves. Selected bulbs dried under a canopy, and then transfer to the dark room with a temperature of 18-20 degrees.

Digging and drying of home tulips can be replaced by buying seed in a specialized store. Ask the seller to prompt you which varieties are the best for room growing. You can also order bulbs through the online store. Pay attention to the grade tulips: Abu Hassan (red-brown), Hibernia (white), parade - record (bright red), aristochat (bluish with white border along the edges of the leaves), Maya (yellow). These flowers are considered the best for early spring surveillance and are distinguished by disease resistance.

How to grow tulips by March 8 - cooling bulbs

In early September, transfer the bulbs to the place where humidity and temperature are kept at such a level: 85-90% and +5 degrees. An excellent solution in this case will be the placement of bulbs on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Here the planting material is kept from 30 to 35 days. For storage in the refrigerator, thin-headed socks are suitable or sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of pantyhose - the bulbs in them will be "breathing."

How to grow tulips by March 8 - Lukovits landing

In early October, land the bulbs in the soil.

  • Pick up pots or containers. Keep in mind that the bulbs will need to land at a distance of 1-2 cm from each other.
  • At the bottom of the pot, pour 1 cm drainage (small pebbles), and on it - 3 cm of soil, which prepare from a mixture of peat and a large river sand (sand and peat, take a row).
  • Live on the prepared pillow, lay onions and slightly press them into the ground. Make sure the bulbs do not touch each other.
  • The bulbs are slightly watering the room temperature. Its approximate consumption is 50 ml per bulb.
  • Moisturized bulbs completely pour with large sand.
  • Make a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 g of nitrate calcium (sold in garden stores). This solution is well spawned sand with bulbs inside.
  • Transfer pots or containers into a dark cold and wet place. The basement is suitable with a +5 degree temperature and a humidity of 85%. If there is no basement, then put pots on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Periodically check the soil for dryness. If the sand is too loose, then slightly moisturize it with ordinary water, but do not overflow. With a large amount of water, the bulbs can be rotated.

How to grow tulips by March 8 - Celling of flowers

Somewhere at the beginning of January you will see in a pot of gentle pale green sprouts. At this time, the tulips still hold in the refrigerator and periodically water them. For the month, the sprouts should grow to 3-4 cm. Do not be afraid of their paleness - this is due to the lack of full light.

The numbers of February 4-7, get containers or pots with sprouts from the basement or refrigerator and put on the light window (Eastern). Temperature in the room hold at 17-18 degrees. Watch out for soil moisture and active sun. Watering produce once a week and a very small amount of water. From the sun of the plant, protect by protective screen from dense white paper.

If the window for which you put tulips, goes to the north or west, then plants additionally highlight with a special phytolamm.

How to grow tulips by March 8 - some useful tips

To the first experience of growing tulips on the window turned out to be successful, remember the following:

  • Do not feed the tulips with any additional fertilizers. It is enough for them that they received their portion of calcium nitrate when disembarking bulbs.
  • Be sure to stand the bulbs in the cold at least one month (see paragraph 2). If you reduce this time, the flowers will grow very low and the buds will deal with small.
  • Constantly protect plants from direct sunlight. At the stage of growth of the leaves, the Sun can damage the plant by the fact that the leaves are formed a lot, and the bud will not grow. At the stage of development of bud, the sun hurts that the tulip will bloom very early, i.e. From the heat flower blossoms prematurely.

In compliance with all the rules, you will bloom beautiful and strong tulips to the female holiday. In the same way, like tulips, you can grow other bully plants. These are hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, snowdrops.

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