Podberezovik - a mushroom that speaks for himself - he grows under the birch. But not everything is so unequivocal. In the pre-career of ordinary, there is a variety: marsh (white), ash-gray, gray, black, multicolored, pink, chess (drawn) and harsh stabber. These are all edible mushrooms, and differ only to the place where they grow (under the birch, aspios or lentern) and color. In addition to edible subbrazovkov, there is still an inedible twin of the boletus - a bile mushroom.
What does the boberic ordinary look like?
- Hat in a stabber from above gray, brown, sometimes dark brown, 4-15 cm in diameter. Color smooth. Surface smooth. The bottom hats is spongy, young boravets are white, light gray, in old - brownish.
- White leg, light gray, with dark scales, 1-4 cm in diameter, narrowed upwards. The flesh of young mushrooms is dense. The cut does not darken, the smell is pleasant, mushroom.
The drawing on the leg resembles a birch birch. - It grows in bezovuk in latitudes with temperate climates, and even in the tundra, in the mountains and shorts, in dry deciduous or mixed forests near Berez, from June to the first frosts.
What does a white bocery look like?
- The white boletus is very similar to the boletus ordinary, but the color of the cap and the legs are almost white. The location of the cut in color does not change. Only young mushrooms are collecting, because they have a very gentle pulp and old quickly rot.
- White boravesons are growing near the marsh or raw places in the forest, where birch are growing nearby.
What does the boletus harsh look like?
- Hard-brown boberry hat, dark gray, grayish purple. The bottom caps are light gray, when pressed with a finger darken.
- The leg in the top is white, light gray, the book is darker, and at the base is bluish.
- Mushrooms are characterized by large instances with a dense pulp. Stabber harsh rarely are worm.
- Growing on limestone in the forests of mixed type and deciduous, non-reflex from the poplar and Osin.
What does a multicolored bocery look like?
- The colors of the coolant boletus of multicolored - Pistenhed, prevails gray, brown with podasalities of yellow, beige, brick or pinkish shades. In young mushrooms, the shape of the hats resembles a hemisphere. The sponge layer under the hat has a grayish hue.
- White leg, light gray cylindrical shape.
- It grows in the southern part of Russia, in deciduous forests, not far from birch trees, poplars and oaks.
What does a gray or grabovik bocery look like?
- A hat for a gray-gray - gray-gray, brown-gray, yellowish gray to almost black.
- Light-gray leg, yellowish gray and dark gray with gray or dark gray scales. On the cut first acquires a pinkish-purple shade, and then passes almost black.
- Growing in the Caucasus, in the Carpathians, in deciduous forests, where the beech, oak, hornbeam and lords are dominated.
What does the unfavorable double box look like - a bile mushroom?
The bile mushroom externally resembles a white mushroom or a boletus, but in stabber and white hat are smooth, slightly silky, and the bile mushroom has a velvety with a pinkish tint, on a break.
Here are more signs that are characteristic of a bile mushroom:
- On a cut pink color.
- The bottom legs are painted in a bright pink or reddish color.
- On the leg, a mesh pattern resembling a vascular grid.
- The mushroom does not eat worms and other insects.
- Bitter taste.
The bile mushroom grows apart on the forest outskirts, in the roots of trees or on the rotten trunks, prefers to neighbor with coniferous trees, less often with birch.
As for that, the bulls are a bile mushroom or not, the opinions of scientists were divided: the CIS experts believe that the fungus is simply unpleasant to taste, and Western colleagues are confident in his poisonousness.
According to European doctors, the bitterness of the fungus is toxins that do not act immediately on the liver, and gradually, and 2 weeks after using a bile mushroom, cirrhosis of the liver may occur.
Podberezovka has many subspecies, and all of them are edible, the only thing that needs to be monitored when collecting mushrooms, so as not to get to the basket of a false bucket.