What hermaphrodite looks like

What hermaphrodite looks like

Oral of hermaphrodites simultaneously have sexual signs of both men and women. These organisms also have both men's and female genitals. Such pathology may be normal, natural (hermaphroditism) and pathological (intersxuality, hynnedrombomorphism). Hermaphrodites are found among animals and among people. True hermaphrodites are individuals, in the body of which men's and female sex cells are produced. This phenomenon in nature is very rare and poorly studied by science. The second option, false hermaphroditism, is a state when the body has both those and other genitals, but the gametes are produced only in some of them.

What does her hermaphrodites look in animal world

Among the animals there are species capable of changing their gender from one to another. These are consistent hermaphrodites. One of the representatives of the animal world becomes only outwardly similar to the opposite sex, others actually turn out of female in the male, and vice versa. The gender change may be protection, disguise, many hermaphrodites can multiply without a partner. We give examples of several animal-hermaphrodites:

  • African snail Ahantin. Can change its gender, as she wants. It is multiplied with both a partner and herself can put eggs with hundreds of small snails several times a year.
  • Cuttlefish. Male becomes outwardly similar to the female during the period when they fight for it to overcome the rest of the males.
  • Garter snakes. The males disguise under the female to bask in the balls of other males wishing to multiply.
  • Hyenas. Females with their genital bodies strongly like males. Because of such a structure of the body, Gien's birth is very difficult and often lead to the death of mother and kid.
  • Fish clowns and more than 320 species of fish are hermaphrodites.

What do her hermaphrodites look like

Born with a set of men's and female genital organs very rarely have the ability to multiply and live sex life both men and women. Although there are exceptions. But most often one of the genital organs is cleaned by surgical path. Cosmetic surgery almost leaves traces. And after the adoption of the course of hormones, female hermaphrodis can even bear and give birth to a healthy child.

How do the true half of false hermaphrodites determine?

It happens that a person himself cannot understand its sex, as it also has female, and male signs. Using DNA test, the exact sex of such an individual is rapidly determined. Next, the genitals corresponding to the detected floor are left, and the second set is removed by the surgeon. The operation is not very complex, and the restoration passes quite quickly. After the treatment of hermaphrodium, nothing will be different from other people and will be able to live a full life.

What is pseudohermafroditism?

There is a concept of pseudo-eroditism, when the internal genitals of men and women are in order, and the outer resemble the opposite sex. In women, pseudo-eroditism meets less often than men. In addition to those similar to the female genital organs, a man can have a female figure. Surgical intervention can completely eliminate such an individual from feminine, but such a man will forever remain fruitless.

The exact causes of the appearance of hermaphrodites are unknown among people. This is not a frequent phenomenon from which you get rid of the operation and rarely told others. Among animals and plants, hermaphroditism is quite common and serves mainly to protect and reproduction without a partner.

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