How to care for a parrot

How to care for a parrot

If you decide to start a parrot, you should know how to care for it. You need to choose a cage correctly to choose your future, put it in the right place, to buy good food, porch, toys, and so on. Now we'll figure it out how to care for the parrot.

How to care for a parrot - a cell and its location

The cage is a place where the parrot will spend most of its time. She should not argue his movement, stand in a light and warm place (in no case do not put a cell near the battery, on the draft, under the ceiling, near the musical columns). If you see that the parrot beats the wings about the rod of the cell, then you should buy a bigger house. It is not recommended to take a cage with a circular dome. It is better to take square or in the form of the arch. Pay attention to the cell finish. Parrots love to gnaw a tree if there are wooden inserts in your cage, then sooner or later your favorite can escape.

How to care for the parrot - Additional equipment for the cell

For a parrot, it is important for the presence of a comfortable ride. It is best to use plastic strades. It is very uncomfortable for wooden porchos, it is almost impossible to wash perfectly, and the strand of rope is very unstable and the bird will constantly fall, especially at night. Pay attention to the manufacturer of the barbell, because the parrot loves to nibble everything. Preferences give proven goods for animals and birds.

How to care for a parrot - Toys

Birds love all bright and ringing. If you do not plan to buy a couple of your parrot, then equip its cage with special toys, a mirror. You can put a bath with water into the cage once a week so that the bird splash in the water.

How to care for a parrot - feed and water

In no case do not buy food on the spontaneous markets! You do not know, in what conditions the grains were kept whether there was access to mice and rats (infections). You can give food only from factory packaging. Be sure to buy chalk so that the parrot can strike the beak and eat calcium. Parrots are recommended to give fresh vegetables (carrots, beets), fruits (apples, banana, kiwi). Before putting these products in the feeder, wash them carefully!

In the spring, do not forget to bring the purse of the willow branches with unacceptable buds. Parrots love to eat them very much.

Water Parrot needs to be changed daily, you can do it even several times a day. In winter and spring in the water add a vitamin complex or lemon juice.

How to care for the parrot - caress and care

Even if you are very busy, be sure to release the bird at least 3 hours to fly and walk around the apartment or house. Do not forget to close the windows and the entrance to the kitchen, where there is a risk of getting a burn. Crack your bird, talk to him, spoil together. You can turn on the sounds of nature.

How to care for a parrot - Cell cleaning

Clean the cage is standing daily. Parrots are eaten inactively, losing feathers, often defecated. In order for the cell in the cell, parasites, once a week, wash the cage with a soap solution (soap should be odorless).

With the appearance of a parrot in your family work you will add. But at the same time you get a lot of pleasant emotions. With proper care, your parrot will not hurt and live a long and happy life.

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